Does it save your position in the comments of a specific post? That’s my #1 criterion for an app. Boost is the only one that I’ve found that does it
Does it save your position in the comments of a specific post? That’s my #1 criterion for an app. Boost is the only one that I’ve found that does it
Is Boost dead though? I love it too, but it hasn’t updated in a while
One of my favorite Simpsons lines, the load hearing poster
That’s rash city, Jake, rash city!
24fps vision is a lie told by Hollywood so they can save on film
I guess Reading is not his strong suit
A new browser touches the beacon
For some reason the first time I read it, I thought it was an “L” so now I always call them “Apple mages”
I learned recently that there’s a word for this, which is “thought-terminating cliche”
I might try that, but I’m also pretty certain that I read somewhere in the documentation that it was a deliberate limitation for whatever dumb reason
I have a pair of Bluetooth headphones with a USB C port, that won’t charge unless the other end of the cable is USB A. So no USB C to C cables. Every time I have to charge them I want to report AKG to like, the EU parliament, or something
I feel like the old guys in my area just talk about their health problems 😂
Something to look forward to, I suppose
Can we call such police “Starmtroopers”?
Ok, besides the sewers, what have the Bulgarians ever done for us?!
You got it
It’s gotta be 1.5C hotter on average for a decade, not just a year
I get that. Where is the irony? I think to be ironic there needs to be some air of unexpectedness. I certainly think it’s amusing to say that you were buffing a nerf gun, but maybe not unexpected
But I think Alanis Morissette would be on board
Why is that ironic?
Nice. What about if you back out to the main feed and then decide to go back to the comments later? This is where all other clients fail in my experience