Sounds kinda fun, I do enjoy a welding torch.
Sounds kinda fun, I do enjoy a welding torch.
My guess is it’s an attempt to build long term a subscription service model behind the idea. No subscription, equals it can’t be read or some contrived bs to leech more money out of users/governments of the encoding/decoding technology.
Exactly, I’ve spent my entire existence doing the right thing, the second it hits the fan I plan on going the Dexter route and letting loose and taking down the crazies.
Drugs and sex toys are very Christian /s 😂
Reminds me of the states most common porn searches one year, where incest was top result in Utah. I think it was top a few years in a row.
That’s been my plan, knowing what parts are safe for eating, it won’t be long before us cannibals are smoking them out. Or, at the very least slow cooking lol
Not sure if anyone has mentioned Vinegar on the iOS AppStore.
Please tell me there is a meme maker for this lol, my sister would love it. 🤣
They do it to so many smaller forums too. I saw an old board I used to frequent for game faqs and questions turned into one, under the guise of being mostly transgender positive.
It’s crazy to watch one user create a wannabe cult, user shame everyone and constantly move goalposts with straw men bs. Meanwhile, they had moderators discussing in Discord chats who to drive insane next and pick on. Not to mention using a serious issue as means to divide people that frequent the site by having over 30+ accounts to pad the numbers that agree with their views in topics.
It’s scary how far they go these days, especially considering the site was relatively respected around Y2K era, and now it’s full of republicans pretending to be trans and liberal for a psychotic gimmick.
Yup, my uncle was a CEO, and his monthly house payment is more than I make in a year… even combining my significant other’s salary. I do not like this timeline.
What is this? Vegetables for ants?? flips over table
I mean, that’s a little like asking, “How many swift kicks to my nuts before it makes me a billionaire?”
Because it’s one of those cost evaluation situations where they thought it was a shot in the dark at first, but by now it’s clearly a loss. So, the whole thing feels a little like, The Producer’s, something isn’t smelling right for any outsiders.
This sounds like a TikTok challenge.
Sadly. It’s why I don’t kids. I wouldn’t knowingly bring anyone, or anything into this shitshow of a world. We’re clearly not the smartest species, as the top wouldn’t be speed running itself off a cliff for a carrot on a stick 😂
The fact the rich don’t see this is like the French Revolution is stupefying. If enough falls at the bottom, the rich are going to be cannibalized.
We can only pray, the ghouls.
Humanity is one big human centipede. 🤮
They got him cheap, the man is a bargain whore… actually, I take that back, I wouldn’t want to insult prostitutes.