Russia or Musk?
Russia or Musk?
Absolutely fucking not. Me and my wife can’t think of many things we’d want less, tbh.
Sexton says criminals are using older versions of AI models and fine-tuning them to create illegal material of children. This involves feeding a model existing abuse images or photos of people’s faces, allowing the AI to create images of specific individuals. “We’re seeing fine-tuned models which create new imagery of existing victims,” Sexton says. Perpetrators are “exchanging hundreds of new images of existing victims” and making requests about individuals, he says. Some threads on dark web forums share sets of faces of victims, the research says, and one thread was called: “Photo Resources for AI and Deepfaking Specific Girls.”
The model hasn’t necessarily been trained with CSAM, rather you can create things called LORAs which help influence the image output of a model so that it’s better at producing very specific content that it may have struggled with before. For example I downloaded some recently that help Stable Diffusion create better images of Battleships from Warhammer 40k. My guess is that criminals are creating their own versions for kiddy porn etc.
Odd question, but how much of it (and the newer games) are fully voiced? That was the main thing that turned me off playing them was how much of the content was just reading popup boxes of text.
OK, but what if you’re still haunting the house, but a new person legally buys it and then invites the Vampire in? Who’s preference takes precedent?
No, because you didn’t grant it consent to enter prior to death.
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