The ones I use are mostly too blunt :/
The ones I use are mostly too blunt :/
I remembered one a few days ago but there was a 3ish month gap to my last dream.
I have prepended an almost every time I’ve said seriously that sort of thing to someone.
I have sad dreams too sometimes, nowhere is safe ;(
Two people (that I rarely get to see) plus my cats.
As far as places go I like my room but I get bothered there too, so probably the cat corner in the cellar or some places I’ve made nice experiences during events.
Whenever someone tells me about the problem they’re having on Windows (which I haven’t used on my computer in years) or any Apple OS I explain how I would fix it Linux if I don’t happen to know how on their OS. If the Linux way is easier I also usually give it as a comparison.
I only really do this with people who I know could easily get Linux working and people already interested in Linux.
We never had a choice. I’m certainly not thankful for being born.
I’ve also been told here that I’m probably partly asexual, which I believe is unrelated. But it shows that some people just aren’t interested.
I really don’t see the reason for comparing it violence either. Drugs seem to be popular there too and they’re probably also a common reason for conception and I also don’t like seeing them.
Is there such a thing as fluff movies? (I’d probably give one of those a try.)
I had no idea people were doing that lol.
You could blur the foot part of the socks…
For that kind of thing I use jitsi, works great and I have access to a sort of private instance that I use occasionally. Works for just voice too but it can be a little unreliable (the last two times I had a weird issue where the others suddenly couldn’t hear me and vice versa but reloading fixed it) so something else might be better for that…
Yeah German isn’t nearly as bad as Java either. Also what is asm? Phoenetic script?
What makes Linux terrible in your eyes?
Professional programmers use Linux too.
Windows is extremely unstable compared to my Linux experience. (Unless it no longer bsods regularly) I have had two kernel panics on my Linux installation total. (For comparison the Windows laptop I used to own crashed multiple times a month)
Also I was thinking more of individuals doing work rather than in a large environment, so that might make a difference though the little management software I’ve seen for Windows was pretty disappointing.
It opens each page as a layer, which makes sense to me but I’m not sure it’s what you’d expect.
I also do really like finding proud parents on Lemmy btw :3
Would you like help with something?