Hairy Ass Truman
Hairy Ass Truman
Cfancying a round of Gwent
Absolute madlad
Edit: oh, that’s already in your list. Well played
This person memegens
I thought strongman was about lifting, pulling, carrying or even throwing heavy things?
Scars are cool
One thing I genuinely don’t get: why does a company making this much money need “investors”? (Other than participating in the make-rich-people-richer scheme)
When they applied it, did you react by saying “Nice caulk! 😏😏😏”
Funnily enough, the Marauder is one of the only things I kind of liked about Eternal.
And the grapple hook on the super shotgun was fantastic, especially in that boss fight where you grapple and then punch the boss.
Other than that, I find 2016 so much better. Some of the things in Eternal were just not fun at all, like the enemies that are invulnerable except for 3 seconds while charging their super attack AND EVEN THEN ONLY THE HEAD TAKES DAMAGE. Felt just unfair rather than difficult.
I mostly listen to metal but gotta admit that Toxic is a fucking banger
Is the company hiring (in Europe) by any chance? 😄
Then don’t
Deathbulge Battle of the Bands
Ah, I see you’re a person of culture as well
Should be the SNES one, “A Link to the Past”
Dang, you’re good
Not everyone’s thing, but if you’re into it, feels really good to use?
But a lot of people named Bort, I assume?