Certain mountain in Central Bohemian Uplands. After short-but-intensive hike upwards, you get to wide park-like (the trees naturarilly grow such that they left good pasatges between themselves) mountain-top, with view-points from where you can see half of Bohemia. Then I slept here, and the night was bright, and even though I usually don’t like the lights of cities, that time it looked like the stars were on the sky and also on the land.
The calendar on Earth must be boring. Only one moon!
Could you elaborate on the lost sense of traditions?
Also I don’t agree with you about the ‘nationality not ethnicity’ thing, but that really may vary, and I don’t think it would be possible to debate that, as we’d first have to define the difference between nat. and eth., they seem to be ~the same thing to me.
Watch LotR to see ridden carnivores.
I don’t know, how would the world be different, but to spark your fantasy, imagine horses being herbivores, but turn carnivorous at every conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (~ every 20 years).
As “yak” ando “how” are homonymes in Czech (“jak”), I’d call my jak Jak.
Scandinavians do, 1 scandinavian mile = 10 km.
When I found I used it too much, the same day I went to the web-app to write a goodbye-tweet, but Twitter denied me acces, unless I’d give it my phone number. So I left anyway.
Ludvík Vaculík: Morčata/The Guinea Pigs. It’s about a man, who rears and mistreats guinea pigs to compensate for his own bridled life.
Any play by Václav Havel, if you’re into absurd drama.
From newer authors, Anna Cima: Probudím se na Šibuji/I Wake Up in Shibuya, magic-realistic story of czech japanist, who left her soul (literally) in Japan.
Oh, I’ve just read you want untranslated works, I cannot find such a book I’d find recomendable enough, but try watching some Cimrmans, you’ll find them at YouTube.
Will you still accept the flying ability, if the flying is really exhausting? (I don’t know what does it mean, but let’s say for flying chosen velocity, you need the same ?performance? (please help my English) as if you were riding a bike (or even running).)
Is it enforced? And… why?
Drop a drop of blood on the ashes to resurrect them. And ask them to carry the vampire first-aid-kit next time.
Well, depends on the writter. Choose the right details about anybody’s life and you have 100/100.
How I’d like to upgrade the system of Czechlands:
Bicameral parliament. The lower chamber is currently elected in a country-wide proportional ellections with electoral threshold of 5%, in name of easy established government. Let’s get rid of the threshold.
But how would we get the government (currently must be approved by the lower chamber)? The lower chamber shall elect each member of government separately (and at will they shall elect a new one). This proces would allways result in an existing government. Some fancy condorcet voting method could be used, as I like fancy condorvet voting methods.
Upper chamber is currently elected in one-mandate districts by a two round system, I’d change it to approval system, as it has quite good qualities and is reasonably understandable (and trust is important in politics).
As the large-scale ellection campaigns are based on “hollow promises and marketing”, so would be your proposal prone to ?psychopats? who are able to act like ‘good guy’ and then do evil.
And if I had to accept your system, I would propose to elect more then one representant to the next level, becouse giving my power in hands of one person is really scary.
And another practical problem: let’s say sb. would be member of the Earth council, but also member of country, lander, regional, town and neighborhood councils. How would they be able to be active on all these levels? (Including also traveling problems, becouse I don’t really believe in usefullness of on-line meetings.)
The abstract things is what I used to enjoy the most. But I shall think about your advice, thank you.
It’s good solution how to “read” while doing some manual chore, like cooking.
However, I don’t do it, but I think it’s worthy of a try.
How do you feel about audiobooks?
I did it. Fortunatelly only with one eye and also blocking the view of everything but the sun with my hands. So now I have a second blind spot in centre of my eye, but the brain fills it and I dont even notice.