I rest my case.
I rest my case.
Whew lad. Interacting with people like you really puts into perspective how inept the average internet user is.
Economic violence = sanctions on Russia
“physical violence Russia has exerted on the Ukrainian populace” = war in Ukraine
Both are happening right now at the same time.
You’ll understand when you’re older.
You’re causing more harm than good.
Not sure why you’re arguing “better” when we have both.
No, it’s not right.
People on these forums have been conditioned to see the world through their fairytale-lens and nothing else, though.
A part of oppression is removing people’s ability to fight back. Anyone who holds the average Russian responsible for the war is just playing into the hands of the cabal. It’s like they never heard of Navalny, or any other Russian dissenters.
These people need our help. We shouldn’t victim-blame them and say they need to topple a dictator all on their own.
Same goes for North Korea.
a majority (according to relatively independent statistics) of the population stil supports that shit and has done so for a long time
Most Russians are afraid to talk about politics at all. Their responses when questioned are either “I agree with what the government is doing” or “I don’t talk politics.”
We should be strengthening our ties with these oppressed people in order to help them, and help Ukraine as a result. Instead we’re doing the “average intelligence” play of furthering their oppression while funneling money to the MIC.
This war has been a great example of how many useful idiots are around us.
It is bullshit, you’re right.
Government and major corporations are the exact same entity in the US.
American here, please do this.
All of our companies are run by scumbags taking advantage of useful idiots. We need more options and legitimate competition.
Remember kids, racism and bigotry are always okay if it’s against the right people.
Everyone who is censored, everyone who abuses their mod powers; it just creates an opportunity for people to pick up the slack and create better communities.
You only have yourselves to blame, dickhead mods.
I said to keep the prisons open until we replace them. That necessarily means we aren’t imprisoning people for life, because the prisons will close.
Sure. If we happen to migrate to this fabled society of yours where prisons aren’t necessary before people currently in prison die. But until we reach your fantasy, (which could be a LONG time) you admit that “you think it’s okay to imprison people for life even with the possibility that they are innocent.”
We just hold them for the length of time it takes to replace the prisons with schools and hospitals.
All the schools and hospitals in the world aren’t going to stop people from harming each other. Get it?
Also I don’t know where you got the idea that I actually support life imprisonment? I only said it’s better than the death penalty.
Oh my god, we’re just going in circles now. Re-read my previous comment for why you’re incorrect.
I’m going to have to ignore you now because I’ve said everything I needed to say and you’re just proving me right again and again. You know your argument is weak, so you’re afraid to stand by it. You keep pivoting to something else to obscure the fact that you’re wrong.
You may need to work on your reading comprehension, too. I suggest taking a remedial English course at your local community college.
Thanks for showing me that people like you don’t actually have a leg to stand on when saying the death penalty should be abolished. You’re living in a fairy world while pretending it’s reality. It makes sense that you’d think “schools and hospitals” could replace prisons, lol. How many schools? How many hospitals? You know people still commit crimes when going to nice schools and having access to nice hospitals, right? Lol.
Well I literally said we can keep the prisons open
So… we go all the way back to my previous point where I said you think it’s okay to imprison people for life even with the possibility that they are innocent.
Also, we can definitely redefine what a “crime” even is; so many people are locked up that don’t need to be.
Stay on topic.
To be clear, since you don’t seem to understand what I’m saying
No, I understand exactly what you’re saying. You know it’s stupid to argue “the death penalty isn’t ok because sometimes people are innocent” while saying “but it’s okay to lock them up for life even though sometimes they’re innocent.” Instead of owning your incorrect stance, you try to pivot and derail to something else to avoid admitting you’re wrong.
Do you see how difficult it was for you to admit it’s necessary to lock people up? That’s because you knew you were wrong, but tried throwing as much shit at the wall to see if you could get away with it.
I’m sorry that I keep repeating myself
Lol, me too! I have to keep repeating myself because you don’t want to admit when you’re wrong. So you just keep saying the same thing in slightly different ways or throwing in distractions thinking it’s going to get you different results.
You didn’t really answer my question.
By instead, I meant instead of sending people for prison (possibly for life.)
“Reducing the prison population” still involves sending people to prison, possibly for life. What should we be doing instead of sending people to prison before we live in a society where people don’t commit crimes worthy of incarceration?
I’m sorry I have to be so specific with you, it feels like I’m talking to a genie lol.
What should we be doing instead of sending people to prison until we have the society you envision?
You’re the one arguing we shouldn’t imprison people for life.
Wrong. I’m arguing that by your “logic,” the reasons you give against the death penalty are also applicable to life in prison. Therefore, you shouldn’t be saying one is okay but not the other, which is what you were doing.
I was saying it’s better than the death penalty, not that it’s okay.
Good, I’m glad you can at least be direct about it now. What should we be doing instead?
Uhh, what? I guess I need to be very specific with you, lol.
You were saying that you don’t want to defend life in prison or locking people up. I countered by saying “yeah, it would be great if we lived in a world where that wasn’t necessary, but that’s not the world we live in.”
Since you’re the one so pre-occupied in living in a fantasy world where you think prison isn’t necessary, I said “You should focus on reality instead of your fantasies more often.”
This exact same glib argument can be used against your own complaints about life imprisonment
Ironic how you’re saying this after you’re the one who said “compensation for families makes dying in prison ok.” How come you completely ignored my point about giving compensation to families of people who get the death penalty?
Anyone with a brain can see why your responses are asinine.
I can tell you’re the kind of person who always responds no matter what. You childishly expect the same of others because you believe everyone should be a kid like you.
Arguing with people like you is a waste of time. The only winning move is not to play after a certain point.
Gonna block ya now.