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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Seems to be (or becoming) a pattern down there, they don’t like it when people with information give the facts that the government isn’t comfortable with the public knowing like with Rebekah Jones during COVID. How many states are going full fascist these days? Texas is doing raids on people doing voter registrationa that appear to be targeted for minorities.

    It’s exactly what all the shitty countries that Trump complains about do, yet because those states gargle his marbles and kick up the payments it’s all good (plus they’re being racist which is good in his books). It’s mostly the payment but I’m sure he enjoys a good ball wash before he tees off.

    If only there was some critical thinking from people to realize not doing that shit is what made the country better than (some) others.

  • Most of this isn’t directly related to the comment but it got me typing.

    I do like the bit where he said he put the rejection letters on a nail, and it was pretty full, think this was his teen years, probably submitting to pulp magazines. It didn’t seem like any time in his life wasn’t filled with wanting to write, and he kept at it (obviously heh) and used the rejections as motivation to improve. He is a pretty good narrator as well, I enjoyed listening to Needful Things read by him, and have listened to On Writing a few times now.

    That man can spin a good yarn, his stories have been a part of my life since I was probably too young to be reading them(not to mention tv and film adaptations) but I was reading at least. Even remember one time getting extra credit for the summer reading program cause I read The Eyes of the Dragon since it was much longer than most kids reading material. I just read whatever and a lot at the time, since no Internet back then.

  • Not entire network of shows is entertainment there’s the 2 hours a day when they give their preferred hosts a break. I don’t really know the hours spent on actual news but I have the impression it’s in low single digit hours. I also assume they put more emphasis on right wing topics during those times, as factual as they may be rather than a balanced news source. If I’m wrong I’ll gladly be corrected since I don’t really watch broadcast TV anyways (corrected typo)

  • How do you find which one you want with 150 open? Genuinely curious is all, I’m old and mostly use PC and can type quick enough to find what I want if I know which site (wikis for games and such). If I had to scroll through 150 tabs I’d spend half the time looking through a list so wonder how it helps to have that many open. Or maybe I just don’t read fast enough to scroll well.

  • I noticed another comment that mentioned he had been working for a few departments over the years, so probably he just did too much finally. Mean don’t get me wrong I’m happy an officer is being charged for crimes committed but I’m guessing there’re reasons he has a longer work history and probably shouldn’t have been hired multiple times in the past. Again this was off a comment so maybe the information isn’t accurate but when it’s so easy to believe is a pretty bad situation of police officers in general.

  • You think there can only be one god? That sounds limiting. I don’t believe in any, but say does Buddhism really contradict most of Christianity real values? Like be good to people (help the less fortunate) try to let things go to not burden your well being (praying for forgiveness), respect others (do unto others). Besides having to actually believe in a god what’s the difference between the two? Though the Buddhist view I’m thinking of doesn’t require a god either but both seem to have teachings of compassion and love for your fellow person (some restrictions apply when dealing with intolerant types). I’m not saying you shouldn’t have faith but don’t say one has to be wrong.