what about some lean chicken breasts, can you eat that?
what about some lean chicken breasts, can you eat that?
do you get farts or shits when you eat meat? my aunt Elda gets farts and i think it passed down through my family but recently if I eat lamb I get shits too, with upset stomach. I find that fibre in the diet is helpful for the upset stomach as it makes stuff pass through but depending om whether you get farts or shits it may not help. if you want to lose the weight still be healthy its good to still have some meat just have small portions with more vegetables. avoid broccoli and cabbage as they contribute to farts and shits
Blocking you so that this shit isnt part of my daily life.
Interrupting traffic has never been a successful strategy in the US. In fact it usually lowers support.
Success can only come by affecting the money. Targeted boycotts, if they can be widely enough embraced, would be 100 times more effective
If you’re trying to find out, for all practical purposes the US doesn’t protest. They just bitch online.
What next? Outlaw chinese food?
You didn’t vote. So enjoy the collapse
What about Hilary? Some of it must be her fault?
Sacrificing your servants is the worst thing you could do. Who’s going to butter your toast?
Trump just made billions on his shit coin, got all his cases thrown out or nullified, and he’s already won 2nd term. So maybe he doesn’t care about the pee tape anymore.
Holy shit. I made the mistake of looking in there. What a festering pile of misinformed louts. There’s not a brain cell to be found in there.
I dont pay $5 for a med in my country simply because an American pays $460 for it. It doesn’t work like that.
Remember how if you didn’t want our boys coming home in flag draped coffins then you “Didn’t support out troops?”
The video is even worse
Maybe a dumb question but isn’t Power App’s “native database” a SharePoint list? Which has integrity protections because it’s a mysql implementation?
Give every employee a raise to a living wage.
Don’t use the word ‘impacted’ when you mean affected.
Every language has been culturally appropriated from another.
well then for what its worth I can tell you that you look italian or spanish with big brown expressive beautiful eyes. You have a cute nose, a pretty beauty mark, and nice full lips. Your face has a nice pleasant shape, your full eyebrows compliment it all nicely. whatever is below your neck is not that important especially since you are eating healthy. The only thing you need to work on is finding your confidence so that you feel as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. cheers.