• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Allright knuckleheads, here’s what you do:

    1. Follow people who’s content you’re interested in

    2. Browse Following and not For You

    3. That’s litterally it

    I get so peeved when people browse algorithmic feeds and then complain that they see bad content. You fools. You cretins. I’ll have you know that i actually have a pleasant experience on Twitter AND THAT’S NOT A JOKE, i genuinely have a good time on a bad website purely because i stay away from the For You feed. It’s literally that simple. The only time i get conservative propaganda is when someone i follow quote tweets it with a snarky response.

    I’ve had someone assume i was a nazi because i’m still on Twitter and i got a little (too) mad at them because we clearly don’t share the same reality. They browsed For You and quite rightfully left the site never to return, and they don’t understand how i’m able to stay; no shit, i’m able to stay because i don’t browse Following.

    Now the thing is, this is how i’ve always used the internet, from the start i’ve built my follows list with this browsing habit in mind so i only follow like 200 people with the specific purpose of seeing their content; but for a lot of users, following is more like pressing “like” on a profile, and they end up following 5000 accounts. In that case you’re gonna get way too much content sprayed at you and pruning your follows list is going to take forever. I don’t know what to do in that situation tbh

  • OK so Biden had a bad debate, was visibly incoherent for a while beforeheand, and they took him out of the race.

    Now Trump has had a bad debate and has been visibly incoherent for years. Is the GOP going to take him out of the race for a stronger candidate?

    I don’t want to make a false equivalency, these are different parties and different candidates; Trump supporters are more loyal than usual, and he would take them with him as he’s not likely to accept his exclusion, so the GOP taking Trump out of the race is riskier than Dems taking Biden out of the race.

    But, seen from the left, conservatives are the ones with a reputation for ruthless pragmatism when it comes to electoral politics. They’re the ones who sacrifice their values by voting for candidates that do advance their goals.

    A lot of leftists, out of idealism, wouldn’t vote for Clinton in 2016 or Biden in 2020; meanwhile evangelicals made the pragmatic decision to vote for Trump, the least christian man in the whole GOP, because he furthers their anti-abortion agenda. I argue that conservatives are absolutely correct in this, voting for a candidate that you don’t like just to advance your goals is the correct approach to representative democracy. My evidence for this is that evangelical voters were rewarded for their vote when of Roe v Wade was overruled thanks to judges from the Trump administration.

    So i think, if the GOP replaces Trump but keeps an equally extremist agenda, there’s a world where electoral pragmatism causes those voters to transfer over, leading to better odds of a GOP victory. And a conservative presidency other than Trump would push their agenda more efficiently than the first Trump presidency did or than a second Trump presidency would.

    Uh… So DON’T do that. That should not happen. It would be the right thing for the GOP to do, which means it’s the wrong thing and i hope it doesn’t happen.

  • Here’s the thing: either you deal with wires, or you deal with batteries.

    I don’t like wires, but by god i can’t stand batteries. You gotta charge them, they can run out, they degrade over time, they make the device more expensive, they’re more complicated, also wireless transmittion (wifi/bluetooth) is less reliable compared to the simplicity and immediacy of you plug something in and it’s almost impossible for it not to work. All of my shit is wired.

    Though i admit wires vs batteries is circumstancial. I don’t get wireless mice or keyboards, but i do get wireless headsets, you can go anywhere around the house, and when you’re outside it doesn’t snag on anything.