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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • I don’t want that. I want full control and absolute privacy. I do not want your AI reading my emails. Look at that summary, it’s as long as the whole email, and you’re not going to be able to trust that it picked up on the most important part of the email. This is not efficiency, this is novelty.

  • Under normal circumstances, you ask the questions to get a record of the answers, so that you can prove the answers are lies. The more information the accused has when they provide answers, the more thoroughly they can lie.

    With Mango Mussolini, there’s never any consistency to his blatant lies, and he never pays any price for changing his story. Everyone knows he’s a liar, so he can be as brazen as he wants to be because he knows he can lie without losing supporters.

    So I’m with you. Democrats will circle up like a lacrosse team at a prep school mixer. Oh shit, Campbell is gonna go ask Lauren Z to dance. Let’s go back him up. Here he goes-OH she said no… no wait he said “PSYCH!” He wasn’t really asking, I bet she feels so dumb. Sick burn, Campbell. Let’s go throw empty yoohoo bottles onto the roof of the auxiliary building and talk about what boobs probably look like.

    That’s what I picture every time I read about the Congressional Democrats. Campbell, Monty, Gunner, Brook, Tripp, Blake, and Gian, all hanging around in blazers and sweatervests talking about how cool it’s going to be when they finally do something someday.

  • Moscow agreed to discharge Indian nationals who were illegally inducted into the Russian Armed Forces during a meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin in July.

    The way this is written, the dangling modifier makes it sound like the Indian nationals were illegally inducted into the Russian Armed Forces during the meeting. Like Modi met with Putin, and the Indian staff members and security detail that came along were corralled into a bus and shipped to the front lines. Then Modi comes out of the meeting looking like the Vincent Vega meme, and turns to Putin who is like the Fidel Castro Simpsons meme.

    Moscow agreed during the meeting to discharge the illegally inducted Indian nationals.

  • Businesses that make these offers usually buy an insurance policy against someone winning. If it’s a $10,000 prize, but extremely difficult (like a hole in one challenge), the insurance might be like $1,000. The business pays win or lose, so they’re hoping someone wins because it’s great publicity. It’s much more fun when the person awarding the prize is happy and celebrating with the winner, so in that sense it’s a good idea.

    The insurance company, however, will have very specific language and will try to avoid paying even if it makes the business look bad.

    I don’t know the specifics in this case, but I worked for a generator company that sponsored a long-putt challenge at a golf fundraiser. Someone won a free generator, and the insurance company tried everything to weasel out of paying. We ended up giving them the generator anyway, because the publicity would have been horrid, and it took like 18 months to get the insurance company to pay up.

    Either way, it was stupid of the dealership to try to weasel out of the prize. A lease is like $350 a month times 24 months is $8,400. The kick happened at a football field named after the owner of the dealership after he donated $15 million to the university.