They just might now.
They just might now.
Damn I’m not on the spectrum as far as I know, but I identify with this a lot. Expectations are heavy on the social creature.
Yeah but the amount of energy these auto correct search bars use is absolutely insane and disgusting and people are going without because of it, and literally given the study, most people don’t use it regular. It’s a cool novel tool, but really it’s just fancy google.
Tech is always fallible.
Yeah I knew it was bad but this last round of suppression was the final straw.
Yeah wtf I love playing games where you get to kill nazis. Wolfenstien
Networking is tough but not impossible, signals can be jammed, as long as it’s not reliable it’s as good as useless
This is it! I think the problem the are facing is musk thought he was way more popular than he was( started believing his twitter bots)
It’s worse than that. Trump is a figure head, Elon is ceo and Peter Theil and his ghouls are board of trustees. Butterfly revolution, Curtis yarvin. State as a company.
Fucking exhausted by all the embarrassment.
Anyone of these dumb dumb could have read a history book.
Amazon is a terrible monster. It’s many head must be slain.
In total agreement with you there. LLM are fancy autocorrect search bars, they 100% are not intelligent other than the programming behind it. I honestly gave up correcting people on this, be cause it’s all being pushed by marketing as AI and it’s omnipresent.
These assholes are trading countless human lives to line already obscenely rich people. The children deserve justice.
Also has been bailed out by Peter theil more than once. Theil is on the other hand extremely deft and cunning and straight up evil.
It’s a cop out and a dumb one. ai is inefficient, and bad at doing human jobs cause it’s not human, useful as a tool but not on its own
Kill their LLMs training to. It takes a little bit! But it’s script to replace your comments.