Hey Americans: Don’t want to be oppressed or live in a fascist state? Immigrate to Canada! We’re hella friendly and open to people’s of all kinds, except MAGAs and Nazis and or maga-nazis
I would move up there next week if it was that easy and didn’t mean probably losing my awesome job. Oh, and it might be a bit disruptive for my family, too.
I’m moving to Sweden but I’ll be stopping by your way first! I’m too trans to let tsa look at my passport so I’m going to land travel to you all and take a plane out from there
Unless things have changed significantly at the border in the past few years, there’s no process to leave the US. It’s just the Canadian border guard checking things as you enter their country.
Of course, if the GOP decides to fully enact Operation: Handmaid’s Tale, then that could change.
Holy. Fucking. Shit. That’s bad. That’s oppressively stupid fucking bad.
Hey Americans: Don’t want to be oppressed or live in a fascist state? Immigrate to Canada! We’re hella friendly and open to people’s of all kinds, except MAGAs and Nazis and or maga-nazis
I mean, y’all gonna let me in? I need a place to crash for at least 4 years.
I would move up there next week if it was that easy and didn’t mean probably losing my awesome job. Oh, and it might be a bit disruptive for my family, too.
I’m moving to Sweden but I’ll be stopping by your way first! I’m too trans to let tsa look at my passport so I’m going to land travel to you all and take a plane out from there
Good luck at the border.
Unless things have changed significantly at the border in the past few years, there’s no process to leave the US. It’s just the Canadian border guard checking things as you enter their country.
Of course, if the GOP decides to fully enact Operation: Handmaid’s Tale, then that could change.
I was going to say, “no, stay and fight”, but on second thought I agree with this sentiment for more vulnerable groups like trans folks
Give us places to stay, welcome us, and offer us work and we’ll gladly come
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I’m still happy with Massachusetts, but my company is based in UK and we have an office outside Toronto. The road is paved
We’re not a consolation prize, they’ve let shit get fucked in their country for decades.
Yeah. You’re absolutely right, but there’s still a ton of good Americans that Canada could utilize to help us build our industry that we need.
We need more than just exploited real estate in this country, and I’m sure a ton of Americans could help us make that happen at an accelerated level.
I’d much prefer to take in Americans that are disenfranchised with their country, than have a disenfranchised country try and turn us into a new Guam.
Besides a province or two.