So u had this ready to go and still posted the misinformation? Your are too busy shouting ur misinformation in a politically and arguably racially motivated attack (ur original cartoon is a stereotypical white trash depiction) to realise your are the very thing u swore to destroy. You are doing exactly what the maga supporters are you are just as bad. U have no moral heigh ground all u have is a very severe case of itsokwhenidoitism.
Zombie has a good point I don’t got any qualms with it. I will point out that I do find the irony of the left ignoring the science and being willfully ignorant of the truth purely for the purposes of political gain is somewhat entertaining and somewhat very sad.
The left knew the science, and shouted it all the time. Just like they knew all the time that the president’s ability to affect inflation was limited too, and shouted that all the time as well to no avail. When the right doesn’t listen to logic, they get made fun of with the bare facts.
So u admit I’m right? Do u also admit that op’s post is a racial stereotype of white trash and also misinformation by ignoring the scientific and factual basis of the issue? Do u admit that its purpose is to act as a political attack (self evident given the community its posted to). Could one therefore conclude that ops post is a racially motivated political attack spreading misinformation?
I’m an Aussue we have a good healthcare system so ur fuckup isn’t my problem. I just thought I’d pop in and point out the hypocrisy.
So u had this ready to go and still posted the misinformation? Your are too busy shouting ur misinformation in a politically and arguably racially motivated attack (ur original cartoon is a stereotypical white trash depiction) to realise your are the very thing u swore to destroy. You are doing exactly what the maga supporters are you are just as bad. U have no moral heigh ground all u have is a very severe case of itsokwhenidoitism.
U gonna engage in good faith or just post memes and apply zero critical thinking?
Holy shit that’s funny.
I thought you were being serious at first. 10/10!
I am please elaborate
Fair point on the punching down.
Zombie essentially responded to this post earlier if you had thoughts there?
Zombie has a good point I don’t got any qualms with it. I will point out that I do find the irony of the left ignoring the science and being willfully ignorant of the truth purely for the purposes of political gain is somewhat entertaining and somewhat very sad.
The left knew the science, and shouted it all the time. Just like they knew all the time that the president’s ability to affect inflation was limited too, and shouted that all the time as well to no avail. When the right doesn’t listen to logic, they get made fun of with the bare facts.
So u admit I’m right? Do u also admit that op’s post is a racial stereotype of white trash and also misinformation by ignoring the scientific and factual basis of the issue? Do u admit that its purpose is to act as a political attack (self evident given the community its posted to). Could one therefore conclude that ops post is a racially motivated political attack spreading misinformation?
I’m an Aussue we have a good healthcare system so ur fuckup isn’t my problem. I just thought I’d pop in and point out the hypocrisy.