Today I was attending a lecture about blockchain and cryptocurrencies and the lecturer said that freedom and safety don’t go together. You can have more freedom by abandoning safety. Would you agree?
That sounds an awful lot like its the setup for some authoritarian talking point. The whole point of restricting freedom within a society is so that the total amount of freedom is increased. For instance ur freedom to murder people is being restricted because killing someone denies that person of their own freedom to live. Ur night out murdering is less units of freedom than an entire lifetime of freewill.
The only possible way to interpret the lecturers statement that is logically congruent is to claim that your freedoms are being restricted so that your safety can be increased by reducing the risk you pose to yourself. Its literally you being told that someone else will be making your decisions on your behalf because your too dumb to decide for yourself. Pure authoritarian bootlicking.
Its the same argument used by extremists to deny women’s rights to get an abortion.
When certain people have the freedom to hurt others, no one is safe.
I don’t agree because it is too simplistic. Its not necessarily wrong, but it is misleading because reality is a whole lot more complicated.
If you pay attention to politics, you’ll start seeing a pattern of “we’re keeping you safe” as an excuse to rob you of your freedoms. This really ramped up in the USA after 9/11. It’s when spying on Americans by our own government became legalized. We were afraid, and we gave up some freedoms for the idea of safety.
…and now we know we’re no more safe than we were before.
So doesn’t the problem lie within regulations? Maybe they could just be better adjusted to the society? In decentralised solutions you also rely on “someone” that decides about the group, but different thing would be with distributed solutions.
I don’t know. I think security today, has been awfully abused because I really don’t see for example, why the fuck Google needs my street address to “feel secure”. It’s small things like that, that really make you question.
There’s something about this lecture that doesn’t sit right with me and I think it’s because they’re bringing into irrelevant things that don’t mesh with the idea of freedom or security.
Well, the speaker said that when you have freedom then you also need to understand everything around you and be responsible for everything that’s related to you otherwise you will lose your safety. That’s why he came up with conclusion freedom OR safety
they are probably using the modern interpretation of this those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
Read my mind.
Yes, that’s the entire basis for the idea of the social contract. That you give up a little bit of freedom in exchange for security from living in a society.
You’re talking about trade offs and maximization.
That’s not reality yet. In reality, we have less freedom AND less safety than we could. There’s plenty of room to increase both.
Once we get to a maximized state, then tradeoffs are necessary. But we’re very far from that at the moment.
They’re not mutually exclusive. Some issues would increase one of those factors without decreasing the other, while other issues result in a slight lessening of one in exchange for an increase in the other. Different agencies and parts of society handle different issues, and it’s not reasonable to expect optimal progression, much as it would be appreciated.
Oh, definitely not optimal progression. But there’s some basic things we could easily do that improve both safety and freedom.
Getting rid of racist cops, for example. Increased safety and freedom for black people. Costs us literally nothing.
It’s possible to have neither freedom nor safety
gestures around broadly
You can be free and safe with the right weapon arsenal. 🦅🇺🇸