the lemmyworlds and their orbiters are gonna be upset about this one
There will be violence in Ukraine regardless of whether weapons are sent there or not. The second option will make it so there’s noone to police the russians. Pretty much like palestinians can’t do much about israelis slaughtering them.
NATO had buit the largest of any European armies there and they were slaughtering the ethnic Russians, nobody was crying about policing them were they?
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
I know, that’s the problem isn’t it?
No shit Sherlock, then include a source for this info so I can educate myself. Cuz a quick search turned up nothing like this.
Kindergarten teacher is not my job.
So what you meant to say is: "I think
NATO had buit the largest of any European armies there and they were slaughtering the ethnic Russians, nobody was crying about policing them were they?
But I have no sources other than my thoughts to support this view."
I’m saying this is not some secret and verifiable fact. They had 600K and a few100k reserves.
Far more than England, France or whoever. Also the most tanks and everything else except navy.
Even with all the nATO help and training it didn’t go too well so they used the Minsk accords to arm even further.
Merkel admitted this, it is clear they never intended to honor it.
Reports from the OCSE show how they continuously broke the ceasefire.
Just before Russia intervened they reported 100’s of bombings.
98% on the ukro site.
Maybe learn to look something up, or don’t and keep making snooty remarks bcs you don’t want to see the truth.
Ugh, the crying about NATO armies. “They were about to get too strong to attack, so Russia had to attack before they got completely too strong to attack.” Yeah, okay vlad
Nobody asked you Adolf
Ok, Stalin
you people are always sooo original.
Besides their viewpoints they also need to parrot the insults for lack of any independent thought
Not much of a challenge
Let me just block you before you kill me with boredom.Imagine getting that upset when someone does the thing you just did 🤣
Israel has controlled the USG for decades now. We support Israel because they have been intricately and impressively spying on us since at least the 1980s and bought and paid for most of our politicians. It’s just that simple, they own our politicians, and therefore: when they do heinous evil, our politicians look away.
Ukraine was invaded by our largest rival on the world stage as a power grab, and NATO decided to help.
The two situations are not comparable in the slightest.
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Redditors please consult the chart:
hmm… And why would you say supporting Russia and Palestine count has “understanding geopolitics”? I say this as someone who does not know too much about it.
Posting to ! would likely get a lot of good answers.
Or any other geopolitics ask community if you don’t want extremely .grad replies.
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Why do you always think it’s Russian trolls? Is there really nothing criticizable anymore about this war romance y’all got going for Ukraine? Any critical minds just have to be ‘Putin’s puppies’? I’m so fucking tired of this simplistic ass Marvel heroes viewpoint.
War romance??? You think people want war? Wtf is wrong with you
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Why do you always think it’s Russian trolls
Can also be Putin’s useful idiots. Take your pick.
No really, tell me why. Let me pick your brain.
Or are you simply repeating the same shit others say?
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Wow, such good arguments, great reasoning! You have definitely changed my view! It’s all Putin! Now go back to playing pokemon.
brainpower is when putler, soypower is when western media literally admitting that russian trolls barely exist
get it right smh…
Well you see, as you increasingly slip into McCarthyist paranoia, your definition of “Russian troll” is going to grow ever more expansive as it approaches “everyone who disagrees with me”. As a result, it’s going to seem like there’s more of them to you
I’m interested to hear from someone that will disprove this, surely there are good examples given the voting on this.
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Use your words, if you can.
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the comments and the downvotes would be fascinating if it weren’t so clear that they come from a place of deeply ingrained willful ignorance.
even the american liberal media is starting to admit that this is true, yet american liberals clutch onto it for whatever reason and i wish i could understand why.
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Love how in the first image you show the best part of the Palestinian people (which I do think is very much in the majority), but then in the second image you show the worst part of the Ukrainian people (which are very much in the minority).
The ultimate lib move: exaggerating the villainy of their political opponents (or just straight up lying) and downplaying anything that’s inconvenient to their “chivalrous” and “noble” narrative, namely their naked imperialism:
That’s hardly a ‘lib move’, more like an ingrained human reaction to justify practically every action ever.
Are you saying I am doing that here? The only thing I said was saying that the image is a little bit weird. Or do you think the majority of ukraine are nazi’s?
Are you saying I am doing that here?
To be precise, mostly the latter of my comment applies, yes.
Do you think the majority of ukraine are nazi’s?
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what I think, see the linked posts for details, feel free to challenge any of the sources while providing your own.
I don’t see a source that claims that anywhere near the majority of Ukrainians are nazi’s. Would you mind pointing me to that source?
I don’t see how my comment could be interpreted as claiming “majority”. The point is, you’re downplaying the rampant Nazi problem and its effects within Ukraine, which is ingrained in many aspects (see the sources) and practically institutionalized. the fact that you want to contest this speaks volume to your character.
Okay, I don’t see where I downplayed the nazi problem in Ukraine. And I thought you where responding to my claim of ukraine not being majority nazi.
Not sure why it’s difficult to understand: saying “they’re just in the minority” diminishes the actual reality and effects of their allowed existence in the first place, minority or otherwise. So protected they are, that they receive state-funding to be kept alive. Otherwise, what’s the point of your comment?
Glad I could clear the confusion though, lib.
Whoever doesn’t obey USA’s commands, USA calls a dictator, and then starts a vilifying campaign to justify intervening and getting rid of him/them. The EU always plays along and certainly Ukraine will not be an exception because it’s all business to them (Putin included) and war is the most profitable of all businesses.
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Do you find it hard to sleep at night, knowing that the Spectre could be lurking in your room?