Pull your money from the stock market. Park it in gold or other inflation resistant assets.
Boycott the economy in general. Think what did your grandparents or great grand parents do during the Great Depression. Buy from thrift shops or make do. Do not buy consume more than you need to. Stop taking trips or other extravagances.
Obstruct the agenda at every level attend rally’s and town halls. Become politically active. Buy a burner phone and only use that it for those activities. Put it in a faraday bag when not in use, never use it in and around your home.
Stock up on guns bought from independent parties. Buy your ammo with cash. Learn to use your weapon find groups of like minded people and team up with them.
Get to a protest.
Show zero tolerance for others speaking in favor of it. You don’t have to win every argument. You have to let them know that their “political beliefs” are fighting words and they’re going to get a fight whenever they try to speak them.
Try to live well and thrive in spite of the turmoil. Hold on to the belief that this crazy period in history will end and try to avoid getting dragged into arguments with people who have drunk the kool aid. There’s no need to engage with the bullshit if you can avoid it.
“You know, it occurs to me that the best way you hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people.”
Get woke and be proud of it. Take back the power of the term. Honestly not even the left does that so I don’t expect anyone to actually do that. But isn’t it ridiculous to bully people over that? “Oohh you accept other people’s differences?? WOKE!!” Uhh thanks?
I miss the minutes when this term was just used unironically and hadn’t yet become a magat slur.
It really was like 2 minutes wasn’t it? 🙃
50+ European here. Could you please explain in simple terms what “woke” is? I’ve seen it for years now and still don’t have any idea.
In my mind it’s a lumberjack shirted 30yo with a trimmed full beard and tattoos working as a barista. That’s how little I know of it… Sorry!
No one really knows. When asked to define it, people on the right have no concrete idea. It’s just a word that they use to symbolize everything they don’t like.
It started off as being aware of systemic social issues, for example how racism isnt just “well gee I dont like black folks”, but is ingrained in society in all kinds of ways - for example, if you’re black you’re more likely to be pulled over while driving, stuff like that. Conservatives didn’t like or understand that because they thought “I have nothing against black folk so I can’t be racist!” While not understanding that it goes deeper than that.
Then it turned into woke means anything that conservatives dont like. Many of them can’t define it beyond that.
It’s not my end. You can read the article here https://web.archive.org/web/20250116183852/https://www.newyorker.com/podcast/political-scene/what-does-woke-mean-and-how-did-the-term-become-so-powerful but the podcast is embedded.
When conservatives and liberals use the term, it means that person who’s on their high horse, that thinks they have superior virtues and morals because of their far left ideals and thinks they’re better than others because of it. And the point is that they don’t have better morals and they think they do. Of course people like that exist. But the term gets thrown around at anyone who seems to have very common sense morals in my leftist opinion.
I don’t get it? That description fits on the amoebas currently acting as “politicians” demanding Zelenskyy to say “thank you”.
There are those types on both ends of the spectrum and it’s much more socially acceptable to be on the conservative end and be like that.
I think for answering that question we would need a baseline to compare with.
Lacking that, with kindness and empathy in conversations. And with resoluteness in the face of injustice.
I think it might be time for Old Glory to go upside down.
That time was back on November 6.
Or January 20.
Start throwing punches.
Organize. Do it in secret. Be careful. But also you need to be meeting violence with violence.
Be sure to visit the privacy communities for tips on how to keep said secrets.
That’s what I mean. The FBI has been known to infiltrate. I didn’t say it was easy lol
The problem is that liberals only know how to punch left.
Liberals in 2025 are a lost cause.
As always, we Anarchist are the left last stone to make a change
Most people are right handed. Which means they will jab with the left, and the jab is your most important punch.
Kicks too, can’t forget about leg day!