Just use Firefox. Skip all this bullshit.
I use Firefox because I want you use a web browser whose main focus is browsing the web.
Great, because it comes bundled with an extension to show you news article you may be interested in, occasional ads for their other paid services and will regularly nudge you into donating money so that it can be used for many purpose beside improving the browser.
This is interesting, maybe I changed a settingn years ago but when I start fire fix it just takes me to an empty window until I type something in. Doesn’t try to sell me anything
This is my biggest gripe about Firefox. It keeps trying to recommend “Search with Amazon” instead of google search and a bunch of small little ads baked into the home landing page.
I really really want to believe in firefox but the corporations behind it are way too fishy.
The whole setup of mozilla foundation and mozilla coporation stinks. Mozilla asking for donations when the donation amount is barely 1 percent of their income.
That’s an odd complaint. If they didn’t ask for donations, donations would be a lower % of their income. How many donations do you need before you can ask for donations?
It’s not a matter of how many donation do you need, it’s a matter of why are you asking for donations in the first place. When half the donations barely cover the salary of the head honcho through shifting restricted cash between organizations, you have to have some confidence to prominently display “We exist to advance the interests of people who use the internet — not profit for shareholders.” on your summary.
So dont donate?
Mozilla used to be much smaller and did rely on some form of donations to continue development. That may not be the case today, but the option is still there for those who’d like to
If a corporations earns halve a billion. Does it really need donations?
The whole concept of a parent company owning the foundation is fishy. Its just as strange that firefox seems to be like by privacy people when the owners are as instranparent as mozilla.
Firefox is open source. Check it out for yourself or find a fork that works better for you.
The whole concept of a parent company owning the foundation is fishy.
The non-profit foundation is the parent company. It has some taxable subsidiaries that, among other things, handle certain revenue-generating business deals.
You say that like it is any better.
A non-profit that owns a for-profit company is very well not realy non-profit. Just because all their profit is made by one of their subsidaries? And yet mozilla stand itself on some kind of moral highground.
A non-profit that owns a for-profit company is very well not realy non-profit.
All of the profit of the subsidiary goes to the nonprofit parent, in furtherance of its nonprofit mission. The subsidiary doesn’t exist to make anybody rich but just to earn (taxable) income for the parent.
I really really want to believe in firefox but the corporations behind it are way too fishy.
You’re right. Let’s continue using browsers made by Google or Microsoft instead. No fishiness there at all!
Use LibreWolf then.
isnt Google watching you all the time not fishy as fuck for you??
I came to say just this…
Why is the person downloading chrome in the first place. Firefox with ghostery and ublock origin is the way forward
Ghostery is redundant with total cookie protection
Is total cookie protection on Android? Is that the strict cookie setting?
As far as I’m aware it’s available on Android. It’s built into Enhanced Tracking Protection.
Awesome! That’s what I love about Firefox
Sadly Firefox on iPhone doesn’t translate [human languages]. I don’t want to use Chrome on iPhone and Firefox on PC because synchronising bookmarks and history is too important to give up.
All browsers on iPhones are skins for Safari.
Blame Apple for that bullshit.
Blame Apple for that bullshit.
This one isn’t on Apple. There’s nothing stopping Firefox from having translate on iPhone. It’s on Chrome and Edge.
Isn’t translation feature available as an addon? Afaik iPhone version of Firefox doesn’t have addons.
It’s available as an add-on for Firefox on PC. Language translation is built into the application for Chrome and Edge on iPhone.
Yes, that’s what I’m trying to say. The browsers have different methods for providing same functionality. But due to restrictions on one platform, Firefox can’t provide the functionality that the users want.
Also no-addons policy means no adblock either. Which is quite an L.
But due to restrictions on one platform, Firefox can’t provide the functionality that the users want.
With all due respect, I don’t think you understand. There is no restriction on language translation on iPhone. Firefox merely doesn’t support built-in language translation. It might have been easier for them if Apple permitted add-ons on iPhone, but it definitely does not prevent language translation. Chrome and Edge have built language translation into their apps for iPhone to facilitate this. Firefox could do the same, but have chosen not to.
I don’t own an iPhone, but this seems like a totally fair criticism and I don’t see any replies refuting it, so what’s with all the downvotes? I swear to god this place is ridiculous sometimes, these people won’t be happy until you jump through every hoop imaginable to use the Lemmy approved software. Only positive feedback allowed!
because this is inherently Apple’s fault and not Mozilla’s.
Apple’s the one forcing every browser on iOS to be a reskinned version of Safari. And it’s perfectly understandable that Mozilla doesn’t want to waste time and resources developing features for a Firefox-branded Safari when they could be working on their own browser.
What’s your point? The dude gave a perfectly valid reason to not using Firefox, regardless of who’s fault it is.
But also, how on earth would building a functional browser for a phone that owns 55% of the US market share be a waste of time and resources?
it’s a perfectly valid reason for not using Firefox, my point is that they’re on the wrong platform. It’s the user’s own fault, because they chose a closed platform like iOS. Developing free software for iOS is a waste of time, since everything is under Apple’s tyrannical rule and they get to decide which web engine you use, they can disallow extensions and make it very hard (and against their ToS) to sideload apps.
I don’t like Mozilla at all, and that’s why I use Firefox derivatives and not Firefox itself, but I’m glad they don’t waste time developing for a re-skinned Safari. Those resources are best used in their own web engine.
these people won’t be happy until you jump through every hoop imaginable to use the Lemmy approved software
and hardware apparently lol
I am also confused. I didn’t know phone browsers were a team sport, but here we are.
Friendly reminder that winget comes preinstalled on Windows 11 now.
winget install Mozilla.Firefox
You can install Firefox without even opening Edge!On Windows 10 too. I always just download from the website or store but I recently experienced the pretty fun of updating my apps over CLI for some reason
Do you need an MS account?
Which is something you will need to do to not accept their privacy invasive terms and conditions that you have to accept before using the bloated data harvesting browser.
winget install Vivaldi
great solution. instead of Chrome or MS-Chrome, you install V-Chrome. Such a big difference! It really is a completely new theme for Chrome, isn’t it? Oh and they have a built-in adblocker which is far less capable than uBlock Origin but it is built-in! isn’t that great?
It’s not just skin. If it was just like any other Chromium based browser I wouldn’t bother but there isn’t any browser that has great features like Vivaldi which makes working with multiple tabs a breeze. And they don’t collect any telemetry either. Not even crash logs.
Plus, you can say pretty much that every browser with built-in adblock is worse than uBlock Origin… That’s not the point…
Functionally speaking, Vivaldi is more different than chrome than Firefox is.
Dude, nothing is more suspicious than when a developer of a supposedly free app nags you to use their app. Why do they even want you to use Edge so badly? You’re never going to pay any money for it, this screams “give us your data, we want to sell it”.
I can’t instantly jump to nefarious purposes. I mean I’m sure there’s nefarious purposes baked into it, but it’s reasonable that a marketing group knows the common reasons people leave their product. I’m guessing these listed options will actually trigger a popup/page that explains how to correct these exact things, like a FAQ. I’m not trying to be apologetic for MS, it’s just that the choice between edge and chrome is how you balance your data… Emissions? Both suck for that reason
It might be reasonable, but the question still stands: why does Microsoft put so much effort into trying to convince people to use Edge? The purpose of Edge is to have a preinstalled browser so that you can start working right away and don’t need to rely on 3rd party software to do basic tasks. Great, I get that. Every OS has their own preinstalled browser. But what I don’t get is, why do they actively try to stop you from using a different browser? Why do they put in so much effort to stop you from installing Chrome? Why do they not put in the same effort when you try to install Notepad++ or Paint.Net? What’s so special about a browser, compared to other standard software? I can think of anti-consumer reasons, like harvesting and selling your data. And yes, Chrome isn’t any better in that regard, but at least you make the choice yourself.
I know, I was thinking that about Lemmy too. An issue or not we don’t yet know!
The neat part about the fediverse is that no matter how badly behaved a dev may be, there’ll be enough people to fix their behaviour and work around it. Look at mastodon, gorgon made a few questionable choices but glitch and all the other forks work around it and enough community servers exist that you could block mastodon.social and never miss a thing.
Just like with Lemmy there’s already kbin and countless other alternatives that all integrate with each other and enough community servers.
But with browsers that’s stopped being a thing a long time ago as the modern web is far too complex for small groups of indie devs to make their own browsers.
I don’t use Edge BECAUSE they keep begging and throwing ads at me for it. It’s off putting, desperate and exactly what I don’t want.
I don’t use it because the Edge splash screen is chokka ads and news stories I don’t want.
I don’t use Edge because I find Bing annoying, and prefer duck duck go and google in that order, and I’m sick of constantly being nagged to use shit I don’t want.
Microsoft get it in your head, you are an operating system. Your job is to Operate MY system. Do that well. And by all means build more software, make it optional and installable by choice. If it’s good and works for me and not for you I will use it.
I don’t use Chrome either. It no longer works for me. It now works for Google first.
Ive recently downgraded Firefox from browser number 1 to number 2. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not the best.
Currently I’m enjoying Opera because it feels fresh and zippy and works for me , but I’m not loyal. Edge if you do good, maybe I will use you too. But stop your pathetic shit.
I used Edge since the beginning, until they decided to fill it with bloat. It’s getting worse than Chrome. Now I’m using Firefox that is still a browser instead of an application trying to replace all applications.
This is basically all proprietary software 🙃.
It serves the company first and foremost. The user’s needs are an afterthought.
deleted by creator
Late reply, sorry just going though my messages here. But I get all the Linux love, however I assume you’re a developer or a writer. Linux is incredibly niche and basically a non option for a vast load of industries.
Im a professional video editor and animator. Adobe is my bread and butter. I can’t use another option realistically either as it mostly doesn’t exist or I have to send out my projects to other creators and need to be able to talk to other PCs.
Linux doesn’t support Adobe, it doesn’t support about 80% of my other creative softwares, it won’t play nice. Windows, for my use case runs like a dream.
Until Linux gets broader adoption of actual pro level applications for the film industry (and many others), it will always be a niche OS for coders and web devs sadly. I’d sooner roll back to windows XP than use Linux.
Microsoft is a cloud provider these days, Windows doesn’t make enough money, that’s why they are desperate to monetise already paying customers.
Azure/entra or whatever the fuck they call it this week is where the real money comes from
I share the same sentiment. The push of having Bing crap all over the place with the inability to make the browser more vanilla is just a turn off for me. As a former and technically current Chrome user, I have found the overall user interface to be pleasant and easy to use. At work, Chrome is the preferred browser so I continue to use it there but for personal use, I moved to Firefox. It’s definitely taken an adjustment to get used to a few small differences but I haven’t hit anything that breaks my experience to need to go back to Chrome yet after a few months on Firefox. The ability to customize Firefox to the level of detail that’s possible is pretty impressive. While I don’t go crazy with customizations because I feel it potentially adds to future tech debt I don’t want to deal with as things change in Firefox, I like having the option.
Not seeing the option “Because fuck Microsoft”
In all seriousness tho, I use Firefox because it’s not reskinned Chrome.
“I prefer giving my data to Google”
“My reason is not listed”
That would be the Cancel button, because anything else would be giving Microsoft free data.
“Microsoft Edge runs on the same technology as Chrome, with the added trust of Microsoft”
Wow. If there ever was a reason to run, this is it.
To Firefox, sure. But if you’re on Windows and your preferred alternative is Chrome you really might as well stay with Edge and benefit from the integration into Microsoft’s ecosystem. Either way your data is being harvested.
That’s what MS would love to be the reason. Integration with the ecosystem. I still remember the nightmare IE6 was.
I remember that nightmare vividly, my old company was using that piece of absolute garbage up until 2017 or so, until all the critical crap that had it as a hard requirement was replaced.
Indeed. I did web development at the time and I distinctly remember nightmares of doing things by the book and then having to spend 30% more time to make the whole thing work on IE. Sometimes you had to address IE6 and 7 separately. No amount of Microsoft PR these days can’t save them from hatred I have accumulated back then.
Adding a negative number is the same as subtracting a positive number.
I learned that in school.
Obligatory Linux statement - so glad I dumped that hot garbage called Microsoft years ago.
Even Macs don’t do this shit. It’s pretty exclusively Microsoft.
Why are you downloading chrome? You are supposed to download Firefox.
remind me again how this isn’t anticompetitive?
This. Regulators are a joke
Edge can’t be anticompetitive if no one is using it
Imo asking why you leave is fine, many programs and extensions do it. The problem is that you never chose Edge but still have to use it to download another browser!
remember in the 90s or 00s when Microsoft had that antitrust case, and when you loaded up IE, it asked you what browser you wanted? We need that again, along with the antitrust case.
“Didn’t you lose a lawsuit over this in the 90s?”
They are BASICALLY the same, only difference is whom they send your data to.
I’m not trying to defend Google here, but I use Edge every day for work, and it’s definitely not as good as Chrome or Firefox. Both Chrome and Edge are based on Chromium, so core functionality is the same, but Edge has no shortage of crappy annoying changes that make it frustrating to use.
preach brother, firefox always looking for ways to improve and offer you a chance to take control to do it your way.
The tragedy of edge is that it is technically a fantastic browser for windows but made by Microsoft.
Just thinking about the engineers that built such great memory management and security features that no other browser has just to have the marketing guy come in and say ‘yeah put these three layers of bloat on top oh and don’t forget to add the new backdoor we need…’ only to see that all their work is basically a tech meme…
I guess they must get home and cry while hugging their stock options and 300k/y contract the poor guys…
Those guys all got Balmered or something because Edge is now Chromium based.
The first sentence is the most fantastical example of circular reasoning I’ve ever seen!
Windows users really do all live in denial.
Windows is just one big advertisement jfc and M$FT the audacity to charge $200 for it?! 🏴☠️
It is a marketing OS for sure.
15 years ago I used to set up Linux HPC systems and we did a windows one for a testing project. Back then it was sort of a head scratcher, but I could see some use in it. Now? I don’t know about that.
Started daily driving Linux on a laptop 20 years ago. Moved my desktop to it by 2007. I haven’t ran Windows at home except in a VM (5+years ago) since around 2009. I’m much happier with the quirks of Linux than I am using Microsoft products.
At this point Linux desktops have maintained a more stable UI, quirks and all. The main thing is the freedom of choice. If I want a standard start menu/toolbar interface that just works, KDE. Classic lightweight look and feel? XFCE. Stripped down tiling WM? i3. Then there is also Gnome Shell if you’re into that sort of thing ;)
However I know for certain that next year I won’t be forced to use a UI that totally scraps functionality I’ve been used to for 20 years and changes everything for the sake of change.
MS changes things without giving the customer a choice, from the Ribbon interface that started in Office, to the tile based launcher of Windows 8 and now the awful start menu of 11.
I have a windows partition for my tax software and last year I managed to run it under Wine, so haven’t booted it in a year. Gaming under Linux is great now thanks to Steam/Proton!
Because Microsoft is so damn pushy. Literally anytime they ask my feedback is that they need to just fuck off from my PC and do the bare minimum that I require them to do. I don’t need all the bullshit they throw on there to try and get more and more of my data.
Microsoft: Should we invest time and energy into allowing a basic feature in the W11 taskbar, like the ability to ungroup items? No, better divert resources into pushing our shitty browser and making polls!
Dont forget they fucked their own BASIC search feature by making it assume you want to BING websearch when you’re trying to quick locate a file on your computer
Seriously, the number of times I type something into the desktop search and want web search results is exactly zero.
I’m pretty sure this was the final straw for me. Even if Valve didnt support a banger version of Linux that evens the playing field for gaming, win 10 and 11 were always going to make me make the jump to Linux
I’m running w11 and I have no idea why everyone is having all this trouble. I have it set to behave like win 10 and barely notice a difference. But I also have the reg key from my win 10 laptop so I can imagine anyone pirating it without a key is gonna have a bad time.
I’m not pirating came with the laptop.
You cannot ungroup items in the task bar. Such a basic necessity is not available.