Almost one in five men in IT explain why fewer females work in the profession by arguing that “women are naturally less well suited to tech roles than men.”

Feel free to check the calendar. No, we have not set the DeLorean for 1985. It is still 2023, yet anyone familiar with the industry over the last 30 years may feel a sense of déjà vu when reading the findings of a report by The Fawcett Society charity and telecoms biz Virgin Media O2.

The survey of nearly 1,500 workers in tech, those who have just left the industry, and women qualified in sciences, technology, or math, also found that a “tech bro” work culture of sexism forced more than 40 percent of women in the sector to think about leaving their role at least once a week.

Additionally, the study found 72 percent of women in tech have experienced at least one form of sexism at work. This includes being paid less than male colleagues (22 percent) and having their skills and abilities questioned (20 percent). Almost a third of women in tech highlighted a gender bias in recruitment, and 14 percent said they were made to feel uncomfortable because of their gender during the application process.

    11 months ago

    In my ten years in the SWE industry I have never met anyone who thought or said that women were not capable, the fuck is this shit?? I have multiple women as part of my dev team and they are equally respected

    One in five is mind blowing to me, who are these pathetic fucking bigots? I have no doubt there are many because people suck but in every job I’ve had I worked with women devs. Maybe it’s because I’m in the PNW

      11 months ago

      So, this may be part of the answer, but I’ve had similar experiences to you, except for one startup where just about everyone was like that. Place was basically a frat house - its office was right on the water (which was awesome) and they literally had a bunch of binoculars for oggling women paddleboarding and shit (which was not awesome)

      It might be that most of us don’t experience this behavior because it’s condensed into companies that encourage this behavior? I’m no sociologist, but that seems to jive with what I know about echo chambers and whatnot

      11 months ago

      That’s partly it; the PNW does seem more open minded most times; but I bet the other part is you’re a guy.

      This isn’t the sort of thing women tend to talk about with men, for obvious reasons. I bet those women on your dev team have some stories, if you could get them to open up about it.

      11 months ago

      My experience with it as a male is there’s cultural factors at certain workplaces which is why it’s such a sensitive topic for the employer. Like I work with a lot of engineers first or 2nd generation immigrants, incredibly diverse workplace, and a lot of times it’s cultural practices from “back home” where there were more strict traditional gender roles. A lot of them are self-aware of this and realize it’s programming, it’s not always some malicious thing, it can come out of the ways to show courtesy to women which in translation can be condescending. They’ve made it clear from leadership they don’t put up with repeated behavior that makes people uncomfortable though, people have been let go for it. What happens is the more subtle stuff you might not notice unless someone is open about it.

    11 months ago

    In my experience, most discrimination is subtle. For 18 months, as the only female sysadmin on a team, I was routinely left off of important email chains, “forgotten” to be invited to critical meetings, not given access to important tools to perform my job, and asked to perform secretarial duties for my male counterparts. Any suggestions I made were met with “thanks for the input, but we are going in a different direction”. Weeks later, one of the males would be praised for coming up with the same idea i had proposed earlier.

    We have multiple trainings telling us how not to be overtly sexist. What they don’t cover, is the common micro aggressions that are easily overlooked. Were my coworkers overworked? Yes. Do things get overlooked? Yes. Can you forget one person on a team of 5 for 18 months straight? No.

      11 months ago

      Weeks later, one of the males would be praised for coming up with the same idea i had proposed earlier.

      I’ve even seen this happen within a single meeting, its the most common sexist behavior I notice. Newer female staff would suggest something, older male would say it later in the meeting and get the approval and action from it. We had a private channel with us younger-ish people on the team and she was very open about it there, and was comfortable with us overemphasizing when she had come up with ideas. Things like “yeah I agree with [her] idea” when it was appropriate and speaking up more in those cases. If she wouldn’t have brought it up casually like that and discussed it openly we wouldn’t have been as aggressive either, and this has happened with a few female colleagues.

        11 months ago

        This sounds like a very toxic environment, i’m sure it happens but i’ve never withnessed anything like this

          11 months ago

          I wouldn’t have noticed as much if the co-workers weren’t comfortable casually discussing it, cause I’d be focused on my own priorities in the meetings same as everyone else, or I might not think to attribute an idea to a specific person and just say “I like this idea” instead of “I like their idea.” Most of the time I don’t think people are doing this maliciously either, I think they’re just absorbing the information, and people who are less outspoken or women end up not getting credited as much. Sometimes it’s a matter of whoever said something the loudest gets the credit for it even if they aren’t taking ownership for the idea. The things that help deal with these issues that affect women at a higher rate are just good for everyone else as well.

        11 months ago

        In case you haven’t heard the term before, you just discovered intersectionality.

              11 months ago

              No, that’s often the label people throw on me. It’s the condescension of thinking that word adds anything of value, and that it would be the first time anyone’s heard it. It’s the deviation of what I considered to be an authentic exchange into whatever ego-driven pointless parallel of mansplaining that was.

                11 months ago

                Excuse my ignorance but… what?

                That really makes no sense at all. What word are you talking about? Intersectionality? Or woke? Because you’re wrong if you’re talking about intersectionality.

                  11 months ago

                  I am talking about intersectionality. It’s become a buzz word. Case in point, you really thought you were doing something by its mere mentioning, and “teaching me” about its existence.

                  11 months ago

                  If you weren’t aware, mansplaining means a man explaining something that’s common knowledge in a condescending way, implying someone is ignorant or naive about the subject.

    11 months ago

    I’ll bite. This sort of ultra-shallow analysis fails to explain why the sexism of software developers today is apparently harder to overcome than the sexism of medical doctors and lawyers was decades ago. Somehow women managed to break into those fields, so that in the present day almost 40% of doctors and lawyers (and more than half of medical and law students) are women. I don’t see a consensus on what fraction of software developers are women (presumably because there’s no official license to be a software developer) but the numbers appear to range from 10% to 20%. That’s what the fraction of women lawyers was in the late 80’s, and I think it’s going to be hard to claim that today’s software developers are better at excluding women than 80’s lawyers were.

    I believe that the claims about sexist treatment are real - even if software developers were much less sexist than average, one woman in a group with nine men would experience more sexism than she would in a less unbalanced environment. I don’t believe that sexism is what keeps most women out of software development; if it could do that, it would have kept them out of medicine and law too.

      11 months ago

      The question to me is what happened in the 1970s and 1980s that resulted in women no longer going into CS based fields?

      Why is it that developers used to be 80-90% women, whereas computer engineers was the male dominated field and now IS and IT are all functionally male fields?

        11 months ago

        Men realized it was high paying with low barriers to entry and did shit like this (Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech) repeatedly until women felt like it just wasn’t worth the trouble anymore.

        In order to keep barriers to entry for themselves low, they created barriers for others by being loud, forceful and unpleasant. It’s very similar to how other minorities were and are kept out of various fields. It’s not a new playbook. It’s not that difficult to figure out.

        Also, there has been a significant shift in the field since the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and early 00’s when uber “nerdy” personality types were prevalent to the modern era of “tech bros” that is kind of the result of the same things and due to the same behavior.

          11 months ago

          Except behaviour like that didn’t exist in my high school, where the IT and IS classes I took were again, almost exclusively guys.

          No one in the class gave a shit what gender you were, no one was harassed, but almost no girls had interest in it enough to sign up. This despite half the class being jocks who literally signed up for the class as an alternative math/science credit because they didn’t pass the grade 11 science / math class(es).

          My mother was in IT in the 1980s but left the field due to a combination of myself, siblings and being laid off due to the change from building sized servers to more modern ones. When she went back she didn’t have the credentials or knowledge to be more than data entry.

          Hell, I recall shop class in 9th grade was an even split, but suddenly in grade 10 it dropped off a cliff and became a sausage fest.

          The issue I can see is that for an unknown reason school aged girls seem to have been culturally dissuaded from IT and IS when the technical revolution in the 1980s took place.

          Taking one extremely isolated event that even in the event’s own history is unprecedented, and extrapolating it across the entire industry is wrong and dishonest. If it was as systemic as you state, then that fair would have always had that issue, not have it suddenly occur this year.

            11 months ago

            You may feel that way strongly and want to reinforce your biases with anecdotes. Instead of argue with you in kind, allow me to provide resources going back to 2008 produced by very qualified women that come to similar conclusions. If this isn’t enough there’s sourced material in these and much more found elsewhere.

            The Athena Factor: Reversing the Brain Drain in Science, Engineering, and Technology - June 2008

            Over time, fully 52% of highly qualified females working for SET companies quit their jobs, driven out by hostile work environments and extreme job pressures.

            Hostile macho cultures. Women in SET are marginalized by lab coat, hard hat, and geek workplace cultures that are often exclusionary and predatory (fully 63% experienced sexual harassment).

            The data show that, for
            many SET women, attrition rates spike 10 years into a career. Across the climates of science,
            engineering, and technology, women experience a perfect storm in their mid- to late 30s.

            Athena Factor 2.0:Accelerating Female Talent in Science, Engineering & Technology - 2014

            In this report, we revisit the SET landscape—expanded to include Brazil, China, and India as well as the U.S.—to determine what has changed for the better and to offer solutions for what has resisted change. The good news: the pipeline of global female talent in SET remains rich and deep, with women being the majority of SET college graduates in many key geographies. They’re ambitious, eager to be promoted, and dedicated to their professions: 80 percent of U.S., 87 percent of Brazilian, 90 percent of Chinese and 93 percent of Indian SET women say they love their work. However, a sizable proportion say they feel stalled and say they are likely to quit their jobs within a year.The fundamental reasons haven’t changed. While no longer subjected to overt bias, women continue to face powerful “antigens” in SET corporate environments. However, our new data identifies newly revealed nuances.
            These include:

            • Hostile macho cultures. Women in SET are marginalized by lab-coat, hard-hat, and geek workplace cultures that are often exclusionary and promulgate bias.
            • Isolation. SET women no longer find themselves the sole female on a team or at a site. Yet they still feel excluded from “buddy networks” among their peers and lack female role models.
            • Scarcity of effective sponsors. Although SET women have sponsors, they don’t reap the benefits to the degree that their male colleagues do. The “sponsor effect” (the differential in satisfaction with career progression for individuals with sponsors vs. those without) is 22 percent for U.S. SET women versus 32 percent for men, 19 percent for Brazilian SET women versus 42 percent for men, and 21 percent for Chinese SET women versus 58 percent for men.
            • Difficulty with executive presence. SET women struggle to decipher and embody leadership attributes, and receive little useful feedback to correct this perception.

            (cont’d - 5k character count limit)

        11 months ago

        Tech had a lot of women early when lots of manual labor was needed. Women were making and organizing punch cards, collecting output, and monitoring computers while programs ran. As computers got better the need for these functions was reduced.

    11 months ago

    i am autistic as balls, but i grew up surrounded by women and have a lot of female friends. i am happily married to an attractive and extroverted neurotypical woman.

    it is only working in tech that ive experienced complaints from women about my serial killer vibes or whatever. looking at someone in the face for too long, smiling too much, laughing at the wrong times, misinterpreted sarcasm… i can try to avoid women in the workplace, but that isn’t normal behavior either.

    in no universe have i ever thought it would be a good idea to flirt with or be rude to a coworker. i have no idea how to improve but id love to figure it out some day. i work well with most people.

    i have female friends who have received some frighteningly severe sexual harassment at work. weird comments, touching, sexually charged insults, things like that. most men don’t see it because it’s often done privately. if she speaks up she might win a lawsuit, but she loses her job and possibly her career. i have to wonder if the industry has simply been poisoned by this sort of thing.

      11 months ago

      it is only working in tech that ive experienced complaints from women about my serial killer vibes or whatever

      I’d take such accusations straight to my manager, I’m not going to deal with such bullshit. You just exist ffs.

        11 months ago

        if people think you’re a creep, you won’t get comments about it directly to your face. my strategy to deal with passive aggression in a workplace is to pretend it isn’t happening. if i feel like shit about going into work then i’ll look for another job.

    11 months ago

    Good lord, the sheer amount of “nuh-uh!!” in the comments is insane (and yet also fully expected). It’s the same shit I’ve heard again and again and again in the blue collar industry where I work, as though just because some guy hasn’t personally witnessed one specific incident that somehow discrimination against women magically doesn’t exist, instead of coming to the realization that they’re just not seeing it, probably because they aren’t looking for it.

    Open your eyes, gentlemen. Discrimination holds many forms, more than you’d think. Pay more attention to what’s going on around you at work. Maybe actually talk to the one woman in your workplace, and then actually listen to what she has to say (and to what she isn’t saying).

    You want to prove that somehow your workplace is the exception to the rule? Then make it that way. Correct hiring practices that bias towards men (and this starts with how job ads are written up, by the way). Change how pay is structured in your company to a fixed, listed scale that is open and readily available to all employees. Have clear, consistent pathways to promotion to correct the gender bias. Allow for flexibility on working hours, or remote work.

    And if you can’t do any of these things because you aren’t on a position to, then at least start the conversation. Be an ally. Recognize discriminatory practices when you see them, and push for change. In the end, you’ll benefit, too.

    11 months ago

    An unfortunate amount of men in the tech industry need a swift punch to the dick. I’ve spent years in IT jobs and have seen many deserving women passed up for promotions after being promised the job, women belittled, their input completely ignored, and have heard a fair amount of sexist remarks. Anyone who thinks women are less capable of tech work is a piece of garbage.

      11 months ago

      Being a computer nerd from childhood and growing up going to/organizing lan parties, gaming cons, being around that whole scene… you know about those weird guys who are just gross, uncomfortable around, naive towards women, sometimes feeling like their space is being invaded, thinking attractive women fake being nerds so they can get attention. The whole adjacent incel mindset as well. I’ve seen it take all sorts of forms, some perfectly innocent due to social isolation, potentially autism, just being intimidated by women especially if they’re attractive. Sometimes it gets truly malicious and gross, and those guys need dick punches.

      Like I’d have a guy walk in to a lan party, completely disheveled looking and unkempt, smelly, and he’d get pissed that “we didn’t say there’d be girls here,” implying he would have cleaned up if that were the case. I forgive any sort of mental illness or autism related thing when it comes to this, but it’s not an excuse when it’s clear they understand it’s an issue. One guy once brought his freshman “Asian girlfriend” who could barely speak English, and would talk about their sex in gross ways in front of her without her knowing. That was a tough one because they were inseparable the whole time and finding a way to tell him to stfu without making her uncomfortable was a challenge. Someone blew up at him after the event and he never made it out again.

    11 months ago

    Sounds like LTT. Lol

    Every time a company appears to have any amount of frat culture there needs to be an investigation performed.

    11 months ago

    I just want to point out this is very much cultural:

    • In my home country (Portugal) women were maybe half of the pupils taking IT Degrees and maybe half the programmers I worked with were women. (This is apparently also the case in many Eastern Europe countries).
    • In The Netherlands, there were fewer women in IT but still quite a number of them.
    • In Britain they were almost absent. Working as a freelancer (so in more places than a permanent employee would) in over a decade I’ve worked with maybe 3 female programmers (out of, I guess, 100 or so colleagues), all foreigners. In management, sure there were women, programming not so much.

    Funnilly enough the most machist environment I worked in was in Britain and it actually had the highest proportion of women (none of which a programmer, most low-level management) but they were there due to gender quotas and were to a large extent treated as eye-candy by their own management, seemed to have been selected for looks and whilst some of the women seemed competent, others were not and were clearly playing that game.

    I’ve seen how male-only environments tend to end up with this wierd disfunctional dick-wagging culture (though that’s not at all guaranteed), but if there’s one thing that specific case in Britain alongside my experience working in places were some of our colleagues were naturally women showed me, is that women need to be there on merit and thus accepted as equally capable colleagues, otherwise the result can be a lot worse than a “mere” macho dick-wagging culture were wannabe “young-bulls” in their ignorance think that “women can’t code”.

    PS: I was thinking about it some more and just wanted to add that the only environment I worked in The Netherlands with almost no women (this was a small Software Products company of maybe 30 people and if I remember it correctly there was a single female secretary) did NOT have a “bro” culture at all. I suspect this was to a large extent because most people there were out of their of their 20s, plus the manager-owners were pretty decent guys (plus the Dutch culture itself) so it was a mature adults environment not a bunch of young-bucks dick-wagging and posturing.

    A thing often left unmentioned in all the talk of machismo on startups (in the US) is that it’s a very ageist environment relying on young guys who are willing and capable of working 12h/day and that definitelly makes such companies tend towards the immature end of the spectrum.

    11 months ago

    Went to the site to get some insight and all I got was shovel full of shit. Where are they pulling these numbers from. I’ve been in the IT industry my entire life and I am yet to hear someone say “women are naturally less well suited”. I know it’s anecdotal evidence but equally credible as theirs.

    Articles like these are not helping the situation either. They write how IT is wild west where women are constantly sexually harassed and abused. Of course fewer females would want to work in such places. Where do you live if situation is so dire no female can walk in with a keyboard without her being molested? That’s what I’d like to know. Those places need to be closed immediately.

    11 months ago

    I swear, I’ve worked with career engineers and mathematicians who mysteriously forget how basic statistics work the moment this issue comes up.

    I mean literally drawing two normal distributions overlapping on a napkin to people who could teach this stuff in universities, pointing at the top percentiles and going “alright, but if women are just naturally less willing or able to work in this stuff where are all these outliers that should still rank way above most dudes?”

    Blank stares all around.

    Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.

    11 months ago

    I’ve interviewed dozens of candidates to hire entire new teams and the percentage of women showing up was very very low. I ended up with an extremely diverse team of mostly men. If i interview 50 candidates and only 3 of them are women, what’s the likelihood they are going to be better than all the others? I complained about this and nothing changed. And my opinion has never been that they are less competent, but it certainly looks like they are less interested in the topic, maybe becase it’s male-dominated. The women I managed to hire nevertheless are absolutely good devs and if anything they have a better work ethic on average.

      11 months ago

      This is what makes me uncomfortable about going all-in as an “ally”. I’ve heard very dubious and unprovable allegations in my time. If you dig a bit, it always end up being very much indistinguishable from insecurity. Everyone experience being ignored and talked over in those meetings, how is the get-go explaination sexism? How can you possibly know? Don’t get me wrong, I know for a fact that some of those situations are real, but I have witnessed way too many ridiculous accusations to take this talking point seriously anymore. I am not talking about overt sexism here and bad"jokes", but at this micro-aggression concept where you can be labeled a sexist for… not agreeing with a woman?

      I can tell you my experience as a man tho, I worked with incredibly nice men who were scared to say the wrong thing or to participate in some meetings because we worked with extremely vocals and repressives feminists, and you can definitely lose your job for being accused of any type of misogyny around here. The tone gets really hostile real quick too. There is no discussion to be bad on this subject, my experience is invalid because I am a man, to be ridiculed because I am ignoring very clear evidences on purpose, apparently. Next week I could write about being ignored due to my height and I would get laughted out of the room, rightly so.

      11 months ago

      Same as well here, I’ve been in situations were I propose ideas for months and then a higher up or older team members repeats my idea and then what? Should I start to grieve or what?

      Same with being ignored for months on team meetings, gas happened to me as well until I got of it by a new team member. 19 months missing important information for me at least because people forgot to invite me. Should I start calling micro aggressions now?

      Shit happens. Improvise, adapt, overcome