In 2020, the online news organization The Intercept revealed that HRW’s then-Executive Director, Ken Roth, accepted a $470,000 donation from a Saudi billionaire based on the condition that HRW would not use the money to protect the rights of the persecuted LGBTQ-plus community in the Middle East. 

Roth was compelled to return the donation after The Intercept report.

    10 months ago

    Sorry you’re dealing with this. I know families in similar situations. A friend’s daughter tried to Roblox herself, and my daughter’s friend is trans. It’s important as a family to always support them. There are groups on the internet that do meetups for social organization.

    • Flying
      10 months ago

      I’m less worried for her, especially now that she’s out of that school and doing online school, than I am for her friend. I don’t know him well at all, he’s only been over at the house once and I was busy at the time and she ran into him by chance at a renaissance festival we went to and I let them go off and look around together, so I can’t really say for sure how he’s doing, but based on what my daughter says, he’s pretty messed up. He’s also smoking weed at 13. I admit, I smoked weed when I was 16 or 17, but I was in high school. This boy is in the seventh grade. If I didn’t think my daughter wasn’t totally disinterested in weed and vaping, I’d consider him a bad influence, but I’m glad she is disinterested because he needs friends.

      My worry for my daughter is more long-term. She’s mostly safe as a child, for now anyway, but not her friend. His safety is a far bigger concern at his age.