I’ll offer “A reading list”. There’s no shortage of good books to read, and to no longer read anything for entertainment and/or knowledge would be a bad thing.
The thieves guild quest line in skyrim, so you can keep the skeleton key.
The skeleton key isn’t really worth it. Picks are plentiful and lock picking is pretty easy.
i’ll be philosophical here: yourself. never be done. never stop changing. bever be finished. to be alive is to be in motion.
No contentment. No comfort. No rest. No satisfaction.
Cheesecake. Unfinished, there is more cheesecake to look forward to. Once it’s finished, there is no more cheesecake. Only sadness.
are we talking one slice? Or the whole damn cake?
Depends on the slice
That second pizza.
Revenge plans.
A few of the best books I’ve read I just didn’t finish because I didn’t want that closure on the story.
Plenty of bad books. Didn’t finish those either. But, they’d usually get put down sooner and not really thought about, later.Chinese food. It’s etiquette in China to not eat the whole plate.
Tool handles. If you apply a hard glossy coat they just become too damn slippery and if it’s summer it’ll often slip on your sweat and it feels all clammy.
Chopsticks for the same reason, I always find myself dropping my food like an idiot when they are glossy and laqcuered. Especially when I was at a restaurant and for whatever reason they had mirror finished steel chopsticks. What the fuck!
All of my projects… That’s what I tell myself anyways
A hand job
Found Lauren Boebert