Analysts have warned Windows 10 end of life plans could spark a global torrent of e-waste, with millions of devices expected to be scrapped in the coming years. 

Research from Canalys shows that up to 240 million PCs globally could be terminated as a result of the shift over to Windows 11, raising critical questions about device refreshes and the responsibility of vendors to extend life cycles.

  • frog 🐸
    9 months ago

    I have to agree with this. I tried Linux a couple of months ago, and ran into those issues with Nvidia. My computer was reasonably stable in the desktop environment using a particular version of the drivers, so as long as I was happy to never update the drivers and never do anything but email, web browsing, and word processing, Linux would have been fine. If I wanted to play any games or do any digital art or anything else that required my graphics card, it was either unstable or running barely faster than continental drift, depending on which set of drivers I was using.

    Like, I do think Linux is pretty cool, but it very much feels like a project for people who have the time and money to continuously tinker with their computer to get it working exactly as they want. It’s not there yet on the “it just works no matter what you do” front, which is what the vast majority of computer users need from their operating system. Windows, for all its many faults, is broadly stable and can largely be ignored once it’s installed - although I do think it benefits from a reformat every 12-18 months.

      9 months ago

      And if your machine was to be tossed in the trash otherwise, how well do the proprietary drivers operate in the dump?

      • frog 🐸
        9 months ago

        I might as well have tossed my computer in the trash if I’d kept Linux on it, since I couldn’t actually do anything with it.

          9 months ago

          compare this to your previous statement :

          “if I wanted a server, Linux would be great for that, and if I just wanted a PC for email, internet, word processing, spreadsheets, and the like (ie, a basic office computer), Linux would do just fine too”

          Can it do all these totally normal and useful things or is it trash because you can not do anything with it? What nebulous “stuff I need my computer to do” is linux not stable enough for?

          • frog 🐸
            9 months ago

            I don’t need a server, nor an office desktop. I need something that can play games and do digital art, both of which Linux is not stable enough for, which I stated in my initial post. A computer that crashes every couple of minutes while gaming or doing digital art is not useful for me. Chucking my perfectly good Nvidia graphics card in the bin so I can buy something else that is more compatible with Linux is wasteful. And since starting my degree, I have also determined that about 50% of the software I need to use for group project modules doesn’t work on Linux and doesn’t have appropriate open source alternatives that wouldn’t cause compatibility issues when the files are sent on to other team mates - we’ve all got to be using the same version of the same software.

            So yeah, Linux in its present state doesn’t suit my needs.

            The real ewaste problem here is not people like me that keep using components until they die from wear and tear, and replace only broken components not entire computers. I’m quite happy to keep using Windows 10 as long as it is compatible with my hardware and software, regardless of whether Microsoft are still supporting it. The problem is the people who throw out perfectly usable computers because the OS is no longer supported.

          9 months ago

          It is perfect for a poor person that just needs internet and email. But yup, because it didn’t meet your use case it is trash. That there is some thinkin’.

          • frog 🐸
            9 months ago

            Uh, that’s not what I said at all. I never once said Linux is trash. Pretty sure one of my posts said it’s cool, actuakly. It just wasn’t suitable for me. When it was put to me that the options are Linux or throw the computer away due to Windows 10 being end of life, then in that instance (which is not reality), then my computer might as well go in the bin precisely because Linux’s inability to run a stable environment with my use case would, in effect, render my computer into a brick anyway.

            Fans of Linux seem to think it’s suitable for every use case, for every user, and this is simply not the case. The overlap of people that have no specialised needs for their computer (for which gaming, frankly, is one) and also have the knowledge to run Linux without any problems (since they won’t be able to fix it when - not if - they get some kind of error) and the knowledge to know which hardware is compatible and which isn’t (since the wrong component also renders Linux unstable) is actually very small.

        9 months ago

        I don’t get this argument because EoL doesn’t mean they can’t keep windows 10 on it.