I don’t and I wish I had known about them when they were still a thing.
What other forgotten accessory or innovation in Android history do you wish had taken off or would come back?
I don’t and I wish I had known about them when they were still a thing.
What other forgotten accessory or innovation in Android history do you wish had taken off or would come back?
I don’t think this is android specific, but having the IR LED that allowed you to use your phone as a universal remote. I get that lots of TVs are getting fancier remotes that communicate in other ways, but there are still plenty of applications of the IR LED.
Xiaomi and OnePlus phones still have it
Strangely enough, the new ones brought it back. The old ones never had them.
Bull nuggets. My OnePlus 7 Pro didn’t.
and I use it for my AC on my POCO
I miss this too. Such an underrated feature of the Wii U gamepad too.
Man, I keep my old lgg3 limping along for just that reason.
Right?? I loved taking over the Laundromat TV!
iPhone/iOS didn’t have them built in, but there were dongles for it back in the 30pin dock connector days