I’m always surprised by the quality of comments on Lemmy and the analysis provided, often by experts in their field. It gives a sense that the average Lemmy user is a lot smarter than the average member of the public.

Also, when it comes to politics, I think the average Lemmy user is pretty perceptive of what real power dynamics are at play and what interests society should be looking to promote.

It’s been a pleasure to be on this platform with you all. Where do you all come from? And why is it so hard to find people like you in the real world?

  • ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Meh I’m here not just because I got banned from Reddit but for why I got banned from Reddit.

    I told some troglodyte to crawl back into his hole and got permabanned for “threats of violence”.

    My foot was already out the door due to a lot of the censorship rules as it was so this was just the final nail in the coffin.