• UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    What you, and my staff didn’t see was the number of sleepless nights I had

    My guy, you’re not the only one who has ever had a sleepless night. You don’t think I’ve pulled all-nighters for my assorted employers? You don’t think I’ve driven overnight in the rain to an office in a different city to fix a machine that went down in the storm, so my boss could keep collecting on a contract? You don’t think I pulled all-nighters preparing for job interviews in anticipation of proving myself to assholes like you?

    Idfk if you cut yourself in the bathtub between meetings with investors. That’s not something I think anyone should have to do, but I’m not the one running JP Morgan Chase likes its my own piggy bank. I’d just like equity in what I got my hands dirty building. And that’s one thing no employer seems to want to offer.

    My boss and I can be side-by-side in the trenches, trying to keep the lights on. But at the end of the day, he’s the owner and I’m an “at-will” employee. My work goes into his pocket first and he pays me back a fraction of what I earned.

    If you want to be upset about those who are at the top, who get trust funds, literally put your money and body where your mouth is.

    What do you think every employee does every fucking day?

      • HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Im at the point where I wonder both “what is the world coming to” and “am I turning into a boomer”?

        In what reality does an employee turn up to work in a building they didn’t lease, use equipment they didn’t pay for, inputs they didn’t buy, logistics they didn’t develop, to fill contracts they didn’t aquire, done through loans they aren’t responsible for and a business plan they didn’t back, and expect the lions share of the profit from utalising this, ironically being paid by someone they didn’t hire and with money they didn’t collect?

    • HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Then stop arguing with internet strangers and go out and do it yourself. I can’t make this any clearer - if you think its unfair, that they take a disproportionate amount, that you work soo much harder, quit bitching and quit. Because I can guarantee you won’t - the job security, less responsibility and ability to let someone else worry if you have work or not is far too comfortable. At will works both ways.

      ~95% of businesses fail in the first 5 years. Have fun.

      • Cosmic Cleric@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Because I can guarantee you won’t - the job security, less responsibility and ability to let someone else worry if you have work or not is far too comfortable.

        ~95% of businesses fail in the first 5 years. Have fun.

        You are right about some people being too comfortable (or not knowledgeable on how) to start their own business, but that’s not the whole story.

        A business will always fail if it doesn’t have the quality employees to run it. A business cannot function without employees.

        Just because one side has more risk upfront doesn’t mean they should keep the vast majority of the profits for themselves, forever. Long-term it’s still a team effort.

        There’s nothing wrong with sharing the wealth that’s produced from the effort which is done by all.