Not for most duff you mentioned, but the adbreaks themselves:
Our old dvr enabled us to skip ads in the recorded tv programs pretty accuratley. It set chapter markings whenever an ad-block began/ended which it figured out by the frequency of hard cuts as ads have them between every ad (so multiple times a minute) whlie normal programming usually does not. This was way pre-AI (like late 00s). Sadly the built in dvrs in our tvs after that did not have that function, but maybe there is a modern implimentation somewhere.
The plastic box with plastic probably has a notable RF signal which can be traced?
There is litteraly nothing in that community??
Just opened a PayPal account and their limit is 20. Plus the only 2fa option is sms 🙃.
I don’t think that would safely work with pedestrians and cyclists.
can anyone help me figure out, why the following shell script does not work:
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r "dir" ; do
echo "${dir}"\#;
cd "'""${dir}""'" ;
##doing something else
# cd ..;
done < <(find ./ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0)
I am running it in a location with a lots of folders containing spaces (think of it like this:
/location containing spaces# ls
'foo ba' 'baa foo ' 'tee pot'
I get errors of the following form:
script.sh: line 5: cd: 'baa foo ': No such file or directory
but when I manually enter cd 'baa foo'
it works fine.
Why could that be? (the echo retuns something like “foo baa #” .)
It really confuses me that the cd with the exact same string works when I enter it manually. I have allready tried leaving out the quotes in the cd command and escaping the spaces using dir=$(printf %q "${dir}");
before the cd but that did not work either.
tbh I am new to shell scripts so maybe there is something obvious I overlooked.
I looked for a new launcher when the sale was anounced a year ago and was sad to find no launvhers I can customize that much.
I went for Kvaesitso (https://github.com/MM2-0/Kvaesitso also on F-Droid) and stuck with it since. I really like the concept althought it might not be for everyone.
we have lever door handles at work and wheel and axle door knobs at home.
Aren’t those just standard door knobs? Like which others are there (besides maybe smarthome/electronic stuff, but that’s not really widespread esp. for home use)?
What show is that from?
Penguins are comfy in the cold climate
Where I live you usually pay the grave for 20 years at the time of the burial. If you still want to keep it after you have to pay to extend it.
Generally sure, but I think part of the context that makes this funny is the meme format itself, which is why I think it would also work without the context of this post.
Please repost that as its own meme, this is gold!
There is a Technology Connections video about this xD:
Plus the whole exploiting poor people thing: https://www.engadget.com/2020-01-19-opera-accused-of-predatory-loan-apps.html?guccounter=1