The hardest part of beekeeping is thinking of all the names
Beeatrice is one…
Fuck it the rest of you are all called Barry Bee Benson
I second this, and it’s now irrevocably ratified.
Thank Bejesus, we solved that problem
Beevis, ffs! I mean, it was right there.
Right. Beehave!
No, my bee son is also named Bort
Beers, beets, Beetlestar Galactica.
Buzzy Boy
Buzzzy Boy
Buzzzzy Boy
John, Paul, George and Ringo.
Wrong type of insect.
If they’d spelled their band name correctly then the first syllable would’ve been 🐝
Bob one, Bob two, Bob three and George.
George Foreman?
They must start with a B
That’s a sheep’s name silly
Nah the hardest part of keeping bees is dealing with your neighbor who keeps Japanese murder hornets
Bifur, Bofur, Bomber….
Too bad there wasn’t a clan of elves named with B names, there’d be a few hives worth of names in the Silmarillion
Susan Bee Anthony, Susan Bee Anthony II, Susan Bee Anthony III, Susan Bee Anthony IV, …, I could go on but I would not want my fingers to get sore and tired.
This is wholesome lol
Nah, the puns make the names easy…
Bee Arthur Beeatrice Bee kind Beetlejuice
Less problem coming up withem than it would be remembering them all
Hiving them little “Hi, my name is…” tags helps a lot.
I feel similar about gardening