If there are two braincells left in their propaganda rotten brains, and they somehow managed to rub these two braincells together to create something like a reflection or genuine thought, they must realize that they are the bad guys. After a week or two as a POW, their grudge cant hold up. They must realise that they get treated better than in their own company.
I imagine it must also create terror for the russian soldier. How many years have russians been told how horrible, weak, and ineffective Ukrainians are? ALso, how the invasion of Ukraine to wipe out the “monsters” there. Now the “monsters” invade russia. It wasn’t supposed to be that way! These Ukrainians are calm, collected, and move with purpose. These are not at all the animals that russia told the russian soldiers they were.
I imagine it must also create terror for the russian soldier. How many years have russians been told how horrible, weak, and ineffective Ukrainians are? ALso, how the invasion of Ukraine to wipe out the “monsters” there. Now the “monsters” invade russia. It wasn’t supposed to be that way! These Ukrainians are calm, collected, and move with purpose. These are not at all the animals that russia told the russian soldiers they were.