Just close it entirely before you flush, people. The fact that there’s a debate between fully open and half-open when both are inferior is baffling.
Counter point: I know plenty of people who close the lid and then flush, then leave. So when you open the toilet you’re greeted by a floater or shit streaks over the bowl.
I flush with it open, check if it’s clean (otherwise use the brush and flush again) then leave.
If you want to close the lid you’d have to close it, flush, open it and check, clean, close it again. Are you doing that?
Yes I am doing that because I’m not a lazy savage
Get a bidet that sprays the bowl before you shit. You’ll hardly get any streaks ever.
I am doing that, yes.
You should never flush with it open as the other commenter wrote. Flush closed, then check after ~30sec again if there is a floater or stains. I have a friend I needed to explain that if he flushed open with his toothbrush in the vicinity, he could just go and put the toothbrush in the toilet bowl, not much of a difference.
That was tested with Mythbusters. When your toothbrush is nearby there was hardly a difference if you flush open or closed, sorry :)
Damn that’s new for me. Glad I have them in the cabinet anyway but this sucks
No, they didn’t test open VS closed.
It doesn’t matter. You do whichever placebos you into feeling like it’s better so you aren’t stressed about all the shit particles you’re breathing and scrubbing on your teeth.
Ah, it had no lid, and unfortunately that part of the end-scene is cut off on YouTube. It was this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb-_KRh8asM
The control toothbrushes outside the bathroom had the same amount of fecal coliformes on them. That stuff is everywhere, it doesn’t matter if you flush lid open or closed.
That just concentrates the airborne germs into a jet that shoots out between the seat and the rim.
Counter point: close the lid to prevent things from accidentally falling in.
That also stops the spread of aerosolized fecal matter.
How strong is your toilet’s flush? Most toilets don’t use high pressure water.
Doesn’t need to be high pressure to send up particles. Mythbusters did an experiment to see if toothbrushes kept in open air actually collect any fecal matter from the air and they found the toothbrush collecting fecal contamination even far outside of the bathroom. I’m not sure if they did tests with the lid closed.
Every time you flush a toilet, it releases an aerosol spray of tiny tainted water droplets. So if, like many people, you leave your toothbrush in the vicinity of a toilet, does that mean it’s regularly bathed in bits of fecal matter? MythBusters Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage uncovered the dirty truth to this myth by covering a bathroom with 24 toothbrushes, two of which they brushed with each morning — the others they simply rinsed every day for a month.
As experimental controls, the MythBusters kept two untainted toothbrushes in an office far away from the lavatory. At the end of the month-long trial, they sent their toothbrush collection to a microbiologist for bacterial testing.
Astonishingly, all the toothbrushes were speckled with microscopic fecal matter, including the ones that had never seen the inside of a bathroom. The confirmed myth unfortunately proved that there’s indeed fecal matter on toothbrushes — and also everywhere else.
It makese sense… for example there’s those ultrasonic diffusers out there which send a constant stream of aerosolized water droplets. All it takes to do that is a small pad at the bottom that vibrates at the right frequency (above hearing range in this case, hence ultrasonic). It doesn’t take that much and the extent it happens in the average toilet just isn’t perceptible.
Close the lid bc flushing causes little particles to go into the air and I dont want to breathe that
Counter counterpoint: Look before you sit.
For real, I’m not sitting down until there is a quick inspection.
Oh man, you uncovered a memory. The first reddit downvote I received way back when was on a comment where I mentioned that closing the toilet lid makes mold/mildrew growth in the bowl more likely, particularly in humid environments.
Luckily, there’s a simple way to avoid this. It’s called “clean your toilet”.
Oh sweet summer child
Put the lid down. Which is why it exists.
Once you have dogs, the lid becomes something you use.
Dogs or no dogs, put the lid down before flushing.
…and not checking if you need to use the brush? I would be divorced in a heartbeat. Or do you advise closing, flushing, and opening again to check if you have tainted the bottom of the toilet bowl?
Do you just manually lift the lid whenever it’s treat time?
Or a cat that discovered that toilet water is fun to play with 😒
Why do people want to look inside a nasty toilet in the first place? Why even INVITE the possibility of your deodorant, lotion, phone, or cat falling in to a perpetually open toilet? I’m a very lazy man, but this is too far. Close your fucking toilet.
My pet budgie did once take a nosedive into an open toilet. Luckily, it was not full of shit at the moment, and the bird was swiftly fished out and dried off. But yeah, since then I close the lid even when there’s 2 doors between the bird and the toilet
Did his knees collapse? If my butt touched cold porcelain I would just stand up and put the seat down. How did he get sucked into the damn thing? Was this a vacuum toilet on the space station?
If you fall in, your butt doesn’t hit cold porcelain any more than your foot would hit a missing stair. It just falls through the unexpected space, and if you can’t catch with your hands quick enough it lands in the water. Sitting is already falling backwards, far as your balance is concerned. Especially in a familiar seat, you’re not poised to stand right up again mid-sit. Your center of weight moves behind your heels, and it’s difficult to stop. Your knees alone won’t save you, you have to pull your upper body forward, and on the toilet there’s often nothing in front of you to grab. Add in being half-asleep, in the dark, and it’s quite a rude awakening.
How wide are your toilets? Even if i lift the seat up and sit directly on the porcelain i wouldn’t enter the bowl, i’d sit on the rim and I’m not a particularly wide individual. Also if your knees can’t stop you mid sit then you should work on leg strength.
We get it. You’re thicc. You got the badonk. Stop humble bragging.
Oh I could definitely fall in ours and I have quite a fat ass, not sexy fat I’m just fat. Also it’s not strength, it’s balance. I lift my husband from bed to wheelchair etc daily, my legs are plenty strong. That’s also why he never leaves the seat up. If I were to fall in, it’d be my own fault. I’m going to try to find a link to my toilet, it’s pretty new. If I can, I’ll edit.
Edit: Here ya go. It’s a very good toilet, hardly any splash, everything just goes down.
You do have to be really careful. This is one of the ways you can clip through to the back rooms.
I am the proud owner of a 90’s era cock.
To keep it running efficiently I pee sitting down.
Why would I stand up when I could chill out for a moment?
Like, manufactured in the 90’s or being put to use in the 90’s?
He peed out his ass for the first couple of decades of life
this is why I’m anal about putting the lid down. that way i get to feel superior and tell the women in my life that they’re the ones using the potty wrong
jk, i think i only care because autism, but I’m too timid to actually say anything and would probably be a dick if i did. i just quietly go in and close the lid after others sometimes. but like, not too soon after, that would also be weird.
I typically try to distract my poop as I’m going. “Time to go jump on a trampoline!” or “I get to greet the Pope next” that way it doesn’t get scared and run back up when it sees the toilet water.
I paid for the seat I’m gonna use the seat