This is not my personal opinion, I know Gen Z men who voted for Harris. But the voter demographics really speak for themselves, and maybe now people will look at the radicalization of young men as a serious (but solvable) issue.

    4 months ago

    Comments like this seem to completely miss the forest for the trees. People vote this way for a reason. I truly don’t think 50+% of adults are just horrible people. They feel slighted. They feel they are getting the shit end of the stick. They believe voting this way will help them.

    There has to be something done to help these people not feel this. I don’t think the democratic party does a good job with catering to these people. Their message this year was “at least we’re not trump”. “Do anything to stop trump”. That is just fear mongering from another angle. They need to come up with better marketing. They’re fucking terrible at it since Obama left office. Granted, he was easier to market. He was super charismatic. He was cool. Neither Biden nor Kamala can be considered charismatic or cool.