Ireland crossed its threshold, meaning the minimum of 7 countries in the EU have now done so. At approximately 395k total people signed, it is currently not on pace to reach 1M by July 31st without a signal boost from someone with a lot of followers.
Indeed, I’ve shared this with friends but we need more people and more awareness! This is a golden opportunity, if this tentative does not succeed, who knows how long until next time?
Of course, if a person with large following spreads the word, it can have a great effect, but please do not wait for this to happen, do not rely on this. By individually spreading the word, we are putting much more weight on it and giving it a much better shot.
This is a serious shot! Take it.
Individually spreading the word is also how you eventually reach someone with a large platform to signal boost it.
I encourage everyone to sign:
Here come all the Pirate Software fans to say “this initiative is bad actually”.