Wish people channeled this sentiment at the voting booth when Trump got on national TV and said he’d replace Obamacare with “concepts” of a plan he apparently was clueless of after 8 years of actively trying to destroy Obamacare.
I’ve been telling everyone I know for years that Healthcare is Americas biggest problem. The country is designed to pick your body clean before you die. You can work your entire life here and everything can be taken from you if you get sick.
Wish people channeled this sentiment at the voting booth when Trump got on national TV and said he’d replace Obamacare with “concepts” of a plan he apparently was clueless of after 8 years of actively trying to destroy Obamacare.
I’ve been telling everyone I know for years that Healthcare is Americas biggest problem. The country is designed to pick your body clean before you die. You can work your entire life here and everything can be taken from you if you get sick.
This is called extracting value and people pay a lot of money to learn how to do it.