Not only will you die, but so will your entire family and your pets.

This is so you are incentivised to stay alive.


  • You cannot refuse this, refusal is also instant death, along with everyone mentioned above.

  • You have absolute authority over the entire world.

  • Every person has a non-removable brain implant that allows them to vote “Approve”, “Disapprove”, or “Abstain from vote”. These are completely immune to hacking.

  • Every above age 18 can vote.

  • You must maintain 50% + 1 vote of “Approve”, exactly 50% Approve / 50% Disapprove still means death for you. “Abstain” is not a vote means it isn’t counted.

  • The effects don’t apply until at least 50% of the population has voted. If you get more 51% disapproval, you’ll still live as long as theres less than 50% of the votes submitted.

  • If someone dies before voting, their vote automatically becomes “Disapprove” (So you don’t get any ideas of committing genocides)

  • Once a vote is submitted, it stays valid even if the person died. A person could also make their implant automatically change vote if they die. So someone could have their vote be set at “Approve” but becomes “Disapprove” upon death.

    2 months ago

    Establish a system where voting Approve provides tangible personal benefits, Abstaining remains a safe, comfortable default, and Disapproving results in immediate personal drawbacks. Maintain a decent standard of living, encourage open non-violent expression, and quickly address problems so people rarely feel compelled to choose Disapprove. By making Approval the path to greater prosperity, Abstention harmless, and Disapproval costly, the majority either Approve or simply do nothing, ensuring that discontent never coherently organizes into a mass disapproval large enough to threaten your life.