I need some new games in my phone. I checked out the recommendations in the google play store just to realise, that they all suck. So I’m asking you, what are some lightweight(my phone is really slow so anything not lightweight will either take 40 years to load or outright crash every few minutes) fun mobile games you can recommend.
OK, I’ll recommend you a few that are all open source, simple, free, with no ads, and should be handled by just any phone. You can find the games in f-droid between other places.
For those that are into crosswords: Forkyz
A slightly different take on sudoku style game: Gauguin
A game to place pieces removing full lines both vertically and horizontally, kinda like Tetris but pieces are not falling and you just put them wherever you want: 1010! Klooni
A tower defense game using hand drawn graphics: Anuto TD
And one I have from the play store, not open source, that is a clone of minesweeper, called… Well you can guess it: Minesweeper for android
All of those I have used on my own device and have worked great, definitely good time killers if you are into any of those kind of games.
Antimine is a really good open source mine sweeper clone for android. There is also Mines3D, not as polished, but adds a 3d element.
Oh thanks! I’ll need to check that one out!