Do you know any Lemmy instances not federated with other ones, living by themselves? Do you know any interesting or creative use case for a not federated instance?
Do you know any Lemmy instances not federated with other ones, living by themselves? Do you know any interesting or creative use case for a not federated instance?
That is exactly why I asked. Maybe there is a reason I am missing. I expected some out of the box thinking.
well I’d say since non-federated Lemmy is just a forum with a bunch of stuff for federation that you won’t use, there’s no point. if you want a forum, then Lemmy is the wrong answer. Lemmy is (or at least is designed to be) an open-source, federated copy of reddit, keeping the good parts while removing the corpo stuff and adding the benefits that open-source and federation bring. with only one instance, it’s little more than a mediocre forum.
It’s not the same as every other forum software, or even every other content aggregator.
What would make it mediocre or not is the community, and pre-federation Hexbear, or even reddit itself, is proof that you don’t need federation to have an active community, it simply makes it far easier.
Lemmy is not a forum, though, any more than Mastodon is. It’s a totally different, if relates, form factor and provises a radically different user experience.
It makes no sense. lemmy is a forum + federation. Removing the federated side, why bother with using lemmy or similar software? its like wanting a car to use to solely generate heat with the exhaust. Theres far better options for that
Federation doesn’t make the rest of the software worse.
It’s not like wanting a car to solely generate heat with the exhaust, it’s closer to using a four-wheel-drive car on regular city streets.