Do you know any Lemmy instances not federated with other ones, living by themselves? Do you know any interesting or creative use case for a not federated instance?

    2 months ago

    I haven’t checked around since the reddit API fiasco, but there were unfederated Lemmy instances. As Diva mentions in more detail, Hexbear used to be unfederated and it was the largest of all instances. Even without federation, it’s a viable, actively developed content aggregator. So I wouldn’t call it silly, it’s a valid choice.

    and wasn’t it revealed that that Trump’s garbage dump was running defedded Masto?

    Gab is also a Mastodon fork, which was originally defederated before being blocked from most instances and bullied by the remaining freeze peach instances, so they mechanically removed the federation code.

    I’ve also heard some special interest communities on Mastodon intentionally defederate from the broader network for privacy reasons.