The indictment filed with the Jerusalem Magistrates Court alleges that during a search for drugs and weapons in Shikh Ali’s home, police found a substance suspected of being cannabis. When the suspect refused to cooperate, he was tied up in front of his wife and children and treated violently.
After his release, Shikh Ali filed a complaint with the police investigations unit, alleging that during his arrest he had been seriously injured by the police and much of the time handcuffed and blindfolded, even though he was not suspected of security offenses.
When the incident first surfaced in the public last year, police claimed that officers used “reasonable force” at the time of the arrest and that the injury was likely caused when Shikh Ali’s face pressed against one of the officers’ shoes. They claimed that what appeared to be a Star of David was the pattern created by the laces and buckles on the shoe.
Three of the officers were also indicted for destroying evidence. That included intentionally deleting the GoPro videos that documented the incident, as well as photos they took on their cell phones, to prevent them from being used as evidence.
Deleting body cam footage should result in an automatic guilty plea to anything the victim is accusing. The only reason to destroy evidence is because your crime is worse than being punished for its destruction.
“officers used “reasonable force” at the time of the arrest and that the injury was likely caused when Shikh Ali’s face pressed against one of the officers’ shoes”
That’s like the old joke about the guy that comes in with a black eye, and says: “but you should see the other guys fist”
Ah, no magistrate. That mark was just from my boot when I stomped on his face.
No foul conduct, you see.
Um, hey zionists, why don’t you suck my dick, mkay?
That’s the mark they claim is a star of David? That’s like a 10yo tried drawing a Swastika and messed up after the first line.
Zionist accounts popping up all over the place this week
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Zionists seem to be in the majority in the imperial core right now, and if they’re not, they sure seem to get their way regardless right now. Most Zionists aren’t Jews, and many Jews aren’t Zionist; in fact some Jews are anti-Zionist.
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Haaretz is an Israeli newspaper.
Because he was hit with it hard enough to make the mark, but his eye socket didn’t allow it to hit him all the way so only part of it left a mark.
No I totally get how one would get the mark. What has me curious is that it looks like someone attempted to cut the design in their face.
You get hit hard enough with something with a raised design on it it will cut you. Someone with a ring on will leave an impression in your forehead.
Also this image is of Orhan Inandi who attempted to assassinate Turkey’s Ambassador Bishkek Cengiz Kamil Firat
I’m not denying they weren’t punched, I’m not denying they have a very crude star of David on their cheek. What I am saying is that the periorbital hematoma appears to have been caused by getting hit with goggles on. The Magen David on their cheek looks as if it were cut from a razor as it lacks bruising, and is quite disproportionate to the symbol itself. I’m not saying this individual was not assaulted by the suspected individuals - just that their injuries do not match what the article is describing.
Using verbiage like “appears to” and “looks like” means you have no proof either way. You’re simply guessing rather than taking the word of a news source that is clearly Israeli - who under any other circumstances would be believed - but you can’t seem to get beyond the fact that a Palestinian might just be telling the truth.
If you wanna argue the opposite, find some facts first.
Cops abuse people they have control over, everywhere in the world. Their cameras didn’t all coincidentally and accidentally delete evidence, either, c’mon.
Welcome to America I guess?
i’m sure that the isrealis are a little bit smarter than to force them to wear something clearer to see; like a yellow star on their shirt that can be recorded in something like a holocaust museum.
Well the difference between a holocaust and a genocide is that with a genocide an option was given.
What option was given to the people born in and living their entire lives in an open air prison?
How do you sleep at night knowing you support the freezing to death of literal babies?
Because I myself froze and have found a new purpose reminding everyone that we’re all guilty of these atrocities.
You literally support the freezing of babies?
that’s such a horrible thing to say. You’re not escaping the spiral of violence, instead you are reinforcing it I hope you suffer for all eternity. That is a curse.
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no i meant it more in a karmic sense, in a sense that you will be among people who are just like you and are going to inflict difficulties upon their environment
You sound like an idiot dude.
I wouod bet dollars to donuts the “stamp” was a either a custom star of david brass knuckle(s) or a stamp that was used as a brass knuckle and this is why it didn’t come out complete because pinching the ocular region with a flat metal stamp wouldnt leave a complete image. But you can clearly see this is part of the symbol.
Zionists are such blatant pieces of human garbage
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Why do you not post your evidence instead of insinuating it exists? All your previous claims have turned out to be lies.
Says who! Zionist owned fascist news outlets? Lmao. Even if it wasnt true which i do not buy, there are way worse things than this that isNOTreal has done to the population they are actively committing genocide against.
Oh BTW even the nyt which is zio propaganda posted this story and the picture. So what kind of crack are you smoking from the zionist dick flavored pipe you keep in your breast pocket?