You just need to move the hyphen:
Kim Jung un-bans hotdogs for North Koreans
That’s actually what I read the first time.
So… like a day later I’m seeing the headline again after having previously read your comment, and now that’s how I read it.
When Kim Jong-un goes on a diet, everyone goes on a diet!
TBF everyone is always on a diet even when he isn’t
He’s literally the fattest man in a starving country. Figuratively too.
Naw, he wants them all for himself.
When tf does Kim jong un go on a diet???
According to Radio Free Asia…
We find the real source of the story buried near the bottom to avoid embarrassment. Must have been a slow news day in New Zealand 🤣 🤣 🤣
Must be a slow day and a weighted agenda for someone to care. 🙄
Why care about truth or credibility, right?
We in the democratic world are capable of making fun of our crazy leaders, even when there might be a clear bias to that information. Those with an agenda to pander to go crazy eyes when anyone in their ideological bubble godhood pantheon has anything that is near seeming borderline bad appear to be associated to them.
If you truly do care whether a despot bans hotdogs for their citizens as a matter of “truth” and “credibility”, it truly must be a slow day and for a weighted agenda. At least the downvote list for that comment should be useful to instance admins, but it’s fairly obvious why *cough* *cough* cross-posted to: (see profile)
The source routinely lies about this kind of shit.
You’ve been primed to believe this kind of bullshit to manufacture your consent for any and all heinous shit we continue to subject the DPRK to.
They are giving you an enemy that isn’t the capitalists currently exploiting you.
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Too bad it isn’t a lie. That’s the thing about dictatorships, they can do whatever the fuck they want.
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China does something akin to this, too:
The fact is that these authoritarian states don’t want the possibility of any cultural mingling between societies, each has to be as alien as the other for the bubbles of ideology to sustain themselves. That makes it easy to vilify the other.
I see that you can’t really prove its false, it just seems strange to you so it must not be true.
Hey Kim:
What is this movie? I want to see it now.
It’s from the Game of Thrones series, that’s Ramsey Bolton taunting Theon Greyjoy, and you want to stop watching it quite some while before the final season as the show runners can’t write for shit and GRR Martin hasn’t finished the actual story yet. The beginning is great, though. And so is, so far, House of Dragons, at least for that one the story is finished as it’s a prequel so I’m quite confident it’s not going to turn into a total disaster.
His books are non finished too and adventures (interesting intrigue and all, what is going to gappen??) gets thrown under the bus like “everyone died” (so all that build up was just fluff) of “50 years later” etc.
I can’t understand who likes his books if they haven’t like read all other fantasy books first and just don’t have the choice.
Edit: fantasy, not sf
He’s a damn good author, that’s why. Only read the Song of Ice and Fire books so far, and I’m also going to read the rest… if they ever get finished.
And, yes, I’ve read literally all of Asimov, both Herberts, and am somewhat confused what science fiction has to do with SOIAF. Somehow completely missed cyberpunk but I guess by now it’s too late, I’ve read The Diamond Age, fuck transhumanist dystopia we don’t need the transhumanism for that. Still have catch-up to do on the Culture series.
Fantasy not sf, thanks.
“I know you are all starving, but I’m going to ban some more food.”
Hot dogs are reserved for Dear Leader
He looked at his fingers and thought “I hope no one eats these. I better do something about that.”
And stuff my face so full I’ll die because of it.
If only…
That Buttigieg looks pretty tasty.
Divorce is considered an anti-socialist act
I would argue it’s quite socialist. Return the pussy to the people.
I guess we’re posting The Sun and The New York Post articles now…?
The source is neither, but you can choose your preferred link:
There’s no credible sources in any of this. A ban may or may not have come to pass, and if it has, it’s possible it’s for some health-related reason, similarly to how processed meats have been taken out of school lunches in other countries. The news itself is not necessarily false, but there’s a definitive spin to this as with almost all English-language news on North Korea. Unfortunately it’s hard for any of us to get any objective info on what’s happening in the country.
Or maybe you just don’t want to believe it. China does something akin to this, too:
The fact is that these authoritarian states don’t want the possibility of any cultural mingling between societies, each has to be as alien as the other for the bubbles of ideology to sustain themselves. That makes it easy to vilify the other.
Maybe. And apparently you really want to believe it. Not saying it’s necessarily true or false, just that the people complaining on this thread make some valid points. We do after all like to vilify China/NK on this side of the fence. Vilification goes both ways ;)
I read a dictator making shitty lost in a country with a long list of shitty laws in my news feed, I don’t have a problem believing it. He’s done worse, it’s a Google search away. It also isn’t that different from things China or Russia have done to try to prevent cultures intermingling at home. Lemmy shows its hidden face when for a rather unremarkable but somewhat entertaining piece of news it immediately gets posted to a Marxist Leninist community to brigade.
The bias on Lemmy is to defend China and Russia, even this thread was almost immediately reported to a brigading Marxist Leninist community almost the moment it was created on hexbear, never mind the Lemmy bias on the matter. It just so happens that some things require more mental gymnastics than reality can tolerate, specially when the propaganda usually used to criticize can also be applied to the side they don’t want criticized. There would be no issue if this was a Biden or Trump article, and they are far from dictators. There is no problem with vilifying leaders - unless it involved those in the Marxist Leninist pantheon, apparently.
We joke about hotdogs being mystery meat, but North Korean hotdogs have to be a terrifying enigma of amalgamated animal proteins.
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Damn he is really listening to Kennedy Jr.
Scrounging around for components for their nukes I see…
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Well there goes my dream of eating a hotdog in North Korea.
Well you could eat one in South Korea instead. They love hotdogs there. They have developed some cool new takes on the corndog:
Don’t worry, you can have a hotcat or a hotdonkey
I used to date a girl who liked the hot donkey.