Canadian political leaders say “nothing is off the table” when it comes to responding to potential 25% tariffs from the US, days before they could come into force.

But strains are showing in “Team Canada” when it comes to whether energy supply should be a tool in a possible tariff war with the US.

Canadian officials argue (tariffs) would undermine the US economy, increase inflation for American consumers - including raising prices at the petrol pump - and hamper investment.

They also warn tariffs could undermine national security, given Canada, a US ally, is a key source of energy and critical minerals.

    2 months ago

    I’m a veteran. I grew up Gen-X during a time of high jingoism, with a lot of military folks in my family. It was a time and a setting where “American Exceptionalism” was uncritically accepted. If you had told me thirty years ago that one day I’d be rooting for a foreign nation standing up to the US, and saying things like, “Nothing off the table” regarding their own defiance, I’d have laughed in your face at what a fucking credulous fool you must have felt me to be.

    And yet, here we are.