This is gonna sound like a troll post but i assure you it is not.
I don’t have a coding background but I’ve used Teams in a lot of workplaces and really only encountered like 2 issues entirely.
Either I got seriously lucky or it was before enshittification.
Why do you yourself dislike it? Is it UI? Performance?
I should also say I use Teams for basic purposes like messaging and uploading files, I literally don’t touch anything else and performance hadn’t been an issue. (Likely because I’ve been given thicc-ass workstations in the past)
Okay, this I can explain. New Microsoft Teams is the new app. It was also installed before the person installed the old Teams. “Microsoft Teams New” is actually just “Microsoft Teams”. The “new” is part of the Windows UI, not the name. It just denotes that it’s a new option for opening “msteams” links. It’s a new option because it was recently installed. The real solution to this is just don’t install two different Teams clients. The old one is actually retired now so that’s not an option and it’s a solved issue.
While this makes sense to you and me, how do you explain this to brenda from hr?
You don’t. You fix it with group policy or Intune and she never sees that.
I hate that your solution is to remove more user control. I admit it’s probably the correct one… but I hate it.
If you’re responsible for enterprise workstations, the last thing you want is for Brenda in HR to be able to install/run unauthorized software in the first place. She has full access to employee files, payroll data, insurance, etc.
Her shit better be locked down.