The cost of aluminum for consumers in Europe buying on the physical market has dropped due to expectations that Canadian shipments under U.S. tariffs from Tuesday will be diverted, physical market traders said.
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The U.S. is a major importer of aluminum used widely in the transport, packaging and construction industries, shipping in 5.46 million metric tons of aluminum products in 2023, according the U.S. Commerce Department.
According to the Commerce Department, Canada accounted for 3.08 million tons or 56 per centof aluminum product imports to the United States for domestic consumption in 2023, the latest full year data available.
That is the appropriate answer to rapist-donald and his friends. We literally produce half of their aluminum (edit: imported aluminium, 1/4 overall). USA will face the biggest construction crisis they ever faced. We cannot trust this under-educated country ever again, it’s time to build permanent partnership with the rest of the world and bring down the US for good, they’re to dangerous for the survival of the specie.
Half of their imported aluminum, not half of the total. It’s an important distinction.
right, american production of aluminum metal is 1/4 of canadian production. it also critically depends on cheap elecrticity, canadians have nuclear powerplants and hydro, and guess what other funny thing canadians can do
e: i can’t read
it breaks down like this: american production of aluminum 750k tons, canadian 3000k tons (, 95% of canadian aluminum exports go to usa (, and comparing export value, price per ton and manufacture, it looks like most of manufacture goes to export, let’s say 90%, of which 95% goes to usa, that is somewhere around 2560k tons. this is 56% of imports, so the rest is about 2010k tons. so out of 5320k tons total, canadians can just take away almost half
Thanks for the numbers, makes a clearer portrait.
Oh, what’s this gonna be? Go out for a rip?
i misinterpreted certain statistics first time around, which suggested that potential canadian impact on available primary aluminum in us would be lower. canadians also export lots of oil and gas south, and there’s plenty of gas powerplants in us
Oh for sure, i just thought this little exchange within your comment was hilarious.
I don’t expect forgiveness, but I’d like you to know I’m sorry for the way my country is acting
nah you got it right first time around, it’s closer to half overall
As a US-ian, I don’t know whether to upvote or downvote. The concern is real and response appropriate, but then you go off into the weeds, and …… take a breath. Politics bounces back and forth but has usually been somewhat sane. It might be again
Your country is threatening to annex mine…You want us to wait and hope your dictator becomes reasonable?
Oh no, I’m sure he will never become reasonable. It’s going to be a tumultuous and scary four years.
As I was saying, the response seems appropriate. However despite all our fears, there’s no reason to expect it to last more than four years. There’s every chance things will return to sanity then. In the meantime, the response seems to be resistance, making clear the consequences, then get on the phone and make some concession that you would have anyway, if the orange idiot would use his words. No tariffs, no big deal ion your part, his big ego gets to claim a win. We can’t lose hope for the future
I admire your optimism but I think it’s naïve…
He explicitly said, on multiple occasion, that he would “fix” the electoral system. He already attacked your Capitol, remember? Republican won’t accept to lose another election, they will make sure it doesn’t happened. Just wait a couple of months, shouldn’t be long before you see their plan.
Will you puhlease stop bitching and complaining already.
What you’re doing is blaming the victim, and it’s abhorrent. We all are pissed beyond belief at what that orange scumbag is doing, but it makes zero sense for you to run around with your internet machete trying to rip every American apart.
Stop it.
I’m sure you americans would be acting reasonable if China was fucking threatening colonization lol. You are not “all pissed” americans fucking elected this pedo dictator AGAIN. So no, I’m not gonna be told how to behave on the internet by the country with loudest and more entitled people on the planet, fuck off. YOUR COUNTRY IS A THREAT TO THE SURVIVAL OF THE SPECIE, I’m not gonna relax until it’s not the case anymore. You’re welcome sit and wait for things to get better if you want.
Yeah … I’m Canadian … freezing my ass off in Manitoba.
Stop with your assumptions already. If you can’t get your head on straight enough to understand that not every American supports Trump (the same way not every every Canadian hates his bloviating ass) then at least keep your toxic opinions to yourself.
Fine then. I get that you’re not as pissed as I am, but I gonna keep posting what I want. Also, I don’t exactly think it’s toxic to defend yourself from litteral fascist bullies who wants to see you suffer. Obviously my post aren’t directed toward people who opposes pedo-don, but most americans either voted for him or enabled him, the are responsible for this, not me.
I mean your country IS under educated and it does need to lose some of its dominance imo. The US and its market influence is the main driving force behind all the bad IP law and privacy disasters of the past few decades. Countries need to start ignoring the US more when making decisions.
Giving in to blind hate against your neighbours does nothing but help trump’s puppetmasters, who thrive on dividing allies. Keep calm and leave your elected officials do their jobs ( for now ).
It’s not just blind hate, it’s a nation of under-educated racist bullies who are literally threatening to annex my country and are now cheering at nazi salute. You want us to engage in polite discussion with nazis? They choose to elect a literal pedophile (Epstein’s closest friend, it’s on tape) TWICE. What do you think these fascists pigs would do people like me: half-indigenous, half french-canadian and bi? They would fucking put me into a reeducation camp until I die. Americans can shot each other as much as they want, good for them, but they are now an ennemi and a real threat to the our species, that’s not just an image. Our officials are just your basic neo-liberals fucks, we need to bring this entire system down, starting with fascist USA.