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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I tend to agree but also see the other side of it in the corporation that I work for. There are a lot of stupid tasks that need to be done that are best handled by someone in middle management as it doesn’t take the managed employees away from the actual work and is something that needs to be done even if it outside the scope of our actual work.

    Where I am, it’s selfishness, backstabbing, and politics that are the biggest hinderence from middle managers. Without being specific, you might have someone proposing an idea that, when implemented, will sound good on paper and make them look good while actually causing our work to be completed more slowly. Additionally, you have other people who have the answers to specific problems we face as employees, but they don’t want to share it because they won’t get credit and a promotion for it.

  • Why would a guy in a McLaren, who already gave you his ID, raise suspicions that he might be trying to harm you by simply rolling his window up? This cop mentality that everyone is seconds away from ambushing them like they’re in Fallujah circa 2002 is absurd and drives a lot of this police brutality and overreaction. Don’t forget that these are paid professional government employees. It’s not the citizen’s job to coddle police and play into their own personal paranoia and delusions just to avoid getting beaten or shot.

  • Weird that this ‘study’ keeps getting picked up by different outlets and attributed to LendingTree who specifically notes at the top of said study that they don’t endorse anything within it and it’s solely the opinion of the author.

    Furthermore, this study is obviously flawed as it states Pontiac, Mercury, and Saturn as the vehicles with the safest drivers, even though none of those companies have produced a car in around 15 years. The data is also sourced from people filling out insurance applications and doesn’t actually account for who was at fault for these accidents, nor does it even track the type of vehicle involved in the accident. It simply tracks who has an accident or DUI on their record and what vehicle they’re currently looking to get insurance quotes for. It’s clickbait in its purest form.