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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I wouldn’t trust what the ATF has said yet. They fabricated evidence that people at Waco were selling machine guns and explosives to justify their standoff and raid there, turns out all of that was a lie.

    They have all the incentive to take control of this story now so public opinion takes their side. Not unsurprisingly, they did the same thing after Waco and Ruby Ridge.

    Even if everything the ATF said here is proven completely true, I agree - fuck the ATF, there was no reason to surround this person’s house and start shooting. We should all expect much more out of our government than this. Disband these thugs.

  • There’s no evidence that suggests these photos were posted by Trump’s campaign, and BBC didn’t mention who posted them despite having talked to them.

    I doubt it’s just me, but when I read the headline, I assumed that Trump’s campaign posted these photos. How else would it be news worthy? “Trump supporters post AI generated photos of Trump in an attempt to garnish support for Trump” is a normal Tuesday activity for these loons.

    This “journalism” is just rage bait, in my opinion.

  • You can’t trust Amazon reviews either though.

    * Sellers frequently farm good reviews by including cards in their packages that state “give us a 5 star review and get a full/partial refund!”

    • Sellers update their listings with good reviews with different pictures, descriptions, etc. which effectively creates a different listing while carrying over a large review count.

    * Amazon doesn’t allow reviews after 30 days (?) from purchase, so items poor durability will not have that reflected in their reviews

    It’s a damn shame, but between this broken review system and their incredibly low quality items and quality control, they’re not worth the money or headache to use. Especially since most of their products are no name Chinese garbage that are exclusively available on Amazon. They’re basically Wish, Tubi, or Alibaba.

    Edit: Amazon must’ve updated their review policy since I’ve last used them, 2+ years ago. They explicitly ban monetary rewards for good reviews, and I don’t see a mention of review deadlines either. The only references I found about their review deadlines is a few Reddit posts from a year ago. So my bad!

    If nothing’s changed though, they still sell hot garbage.

  • He wasn’t charged with 1st degree murder, that’s nonsense. He was charged with two counts of homicide, one count of attempted homicide, and two counts of reckless endangerment. Here’s the wiki.

    I watched almost the entire trial live, and it was clear as day that his actions were textbook self defense. The prosecution had essentially no evidence - at one point they argued that Kyle had a desire to shoot people because he plays Call of Duty. I’m not making that up.

    Everyone I’ve talked to about this incident who believes he should’ve gone to jail were unaware of what actually happened. The media lied about what happened and smeared his character leading up to the trial, so I’m not surprised that people think he’s a murderer. I am extremely disappointed though that the media blatantly lies this way in order to push a narrative or agenda, and people who consume it do little to no research to check it’s accuracy.

    Edit: Clarity below

  • Why? The circumstances between the two are very different.

    I feel like a lot of people who hold this opinion are unaware of what actually happened with Rittenhouse. The media painted him as a careless kid who used a gun law loophole to take part in riots, where he committed a mass shooting in a state he didn’t live in and got away with it.

    What actually happened, is that he went to Kenosha (where his Dad lives, like 10 minutes from his Mom’s house),to help protect his family friend’s business, help peaceful people that got hurt during the riot/protests, and to clean messes left by disorderly people like graffiti. Later that night, he tried putting out a fire that rioters started near at a gas station, and they attacked him for doing that. Someone threatened to kill Rittenhouse, started chasing him, cornered him, grabbed his gun, and only then did Rittenhouse shoot him. He then immediately went for the police, but was chased down and attacked by more people, where one clubbed his head and another pulled a handgun on him. He shot and killed one, then shot another but backed off after he was clearly no longer a threat.

    This was textbook self defense. We can discuss whether what he did was intelligent in regards to his own safety, or whether the laws he followed should be changed, but point is, a mob was literally running him down with clear outspoken intention to murder him, and Kyle only defended himself when running away was impossible.

    And he wasn’t charged with 1st degree murder, that’s misinformation. A five second search clearly shows this. He was charged with two counts of homicide, one count of attempted homicide, and two counts of reckless endangerment. These charges have much lower bars than 1st degree murder, yet a jury (who judged him based on real facts, not bullshit media narratives) acquitted him of all of them.

    Edit: He was charged with first degree accounts, the wiki doesn’t state this. However, the jury considered lesser charges and still acquitted. Here’s an NPR article that goes into more detail.

  • Not to mention the “solution” people commonly throw around that Americans should skip out on college altogether since student loan interest and tuition is so absurdly high. “Just go to trade school!”

    Sure, let’s see how well our country fairs in 20 years when we have an extreme shortage of doctors, engineers, researchers, lawyers, teachers, architects, nurses, chemists, pilots, psychologists, economists, social workers, etc.

    The people who benefit from the unsastainably high tuition rates we have today will be dead by the time these consequences realize. We shouldn’t sacrifice our way of life so a few greedy inhumans can gorge themselves on more money than they could ever spend.

    Civil disobedience by not paying these loans back is far from enough. I say we make heads roll.

  • I don’t care more about guns than dead kids, stop intentionally misinterpreting my opinion and arguments. Respond to my arguments intelligently and provide counterpoints so we can better understand each other. So far, you’ve provided nothing constructive.

    You say that guns are “fucking murder machines” then in the same comment state that the guns we have are too weak and useless to use against an oppressive government. Pick an argument and stick with it.

    If our government is launching drone strikes against me, then they’re launching drone strikes against you too. We’re on the same side here, except if push ever comes to shove, it sounds like you’ll lay down and lick boots while others fight for you. If you’re not ok with living in a dictatorship, the least you can do is not actively get in the way of the one check/balance that the people have against our government’s military.

    Gun ownership isn’t a right for Ukrainian citizens. Imagine how it felt for citizens in Mariupol, Donetsk, or Kyiv during the first few weeks of the invasion. I’m not suggesting that lone “muh guns” rednecks would save the country from a military invasion alone, but I’d bet my ass that most people who lived this would’ve been safer and fewer citizens would’ve died if they were armed and able to defend themselves while evacuating and seeking safety. The Ukrainian government backtracked and shipped citizens in Kyiv and a few other cities guns and ammo afterwards, but because gun ownership was outlawed before that, no one was trained on how to use them so they were effectively useless.

    This is what you’re fighting for. A disarmed, helpless society that’d rather feel safe than be safe. It’s the same fear that ushered in mass surveillance and the complete degradation of personal privacy in the name of counter terrorism. People cheered for it.

    It’s possible to have a well-armed society that isn’t rife with murderers; your grandparents lived it. Maybe we should refocus on making our society worth living in again for the marginalized people perpetuating violence. Give gang members and hopeless people an honest way to earn a livable wage, provide free and good access to mental and physical healthcare, revamp prisons so they reform instead of punish, reduce carbon emissions so our children won’t choke on their air… But you can’t boil that down into a headline as short and sensational as “children murdered because people can buy murder machines.”

  • “Guns are far better killing machines vs any other method you can come up with.”

    Murder is murder. Banning guns doesn’t get rid of violent people, so assuming nothing else changes, we’d at best have 5 dead children instead of 8 or something. Sure it’s an improvement, but not a solution. I don’t feel that’s with it given the tradeoffs.

    “Countries that ban them do not have the same rates of shootings and when they do have them are a lot less deadly.”

    I’m sorry, but no shit. “Country that bans cars sees no more deaths by car accidents.”

    “Blaming it on the lack of welfare is misdirection.”

    I’m not blaming it on lack of welfare, I’m mostly blaming it on our decreased quality of life. Since you’re ignoring that mass shootings basically didn’t exist 60 years ago when Americans had comparatively unfettered access to guns, then look at any poor country today and their violent crime rates. When moral, legal avenues for leading a fruitful and happy life are unobtainable, then people will resort to illegal means to make that happen. This is nothing new.

    “The Constitution does not need to be amended, it just has to be read. Are you in a well-regulated militia? No? You don’t get a gun. Go join up the National Guard if you want one.”

    Well-regulated meant well armed and functioning, and the National Guard is a branch of the military, which is literally what a militia isn’t. Sounds like you need to read it.

    "And if you think your shotgun is go to stop a dictator you will have to excuse.me while I laugh too hard to type. "

    What makes you think that dictator will be on your side? If you think our current political climate is bad, itll pale in comparison to the one your kids will grow up in if Trump wins. Roll over and let your kids suffer if that’s what you want, I’d rather fight so they don’t have to.

    Gentle reminder that poor rice and goat farmers have won almost every conflict against our military the last 60 years. Regardless, if our military ever goes whole hog on us like you’re suggesting and starts bombing your neighborhood, I’ll be sure to message you to ask if you’re still licking their boots. Chances are, you probably will.