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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023


  • How about the unnecessary tech that just shouldn’t be allowed.

    • Doors that are not primarily manual to open or unlock.
    • Touchscreen of any type. I’m okay with capacitive touch buttons but they should be in a fixed location and physically distinguishable from other surfaces.
    • Electronic e-brake
    • Replacement of any of the main driving functions with anything that is not physical and tactile (turn signals, windshield wipers, headlights)

    At least in the US I feel like technology has leapfrogged regulation.

  • Punching down. It’s often why bullies are bullies, they are someone’s victim and the lesson they learn is to find someone weaker to make a victim.

    If you tell someone they are less than and they believe it, they will start looking for someone less than themselves to treat the same way.

    It’s inferiority from the top down. Trump talks in terms of being the best, the greatest, etc to mask his true feelings. He feels he is less than. Maybe not consciously, but it’s absolutely something that weighs on him.

  • A better question would be what are you going to do to make sure the orange Mussolini doesn’t win?

    Make sure you, your friends, and your family are Registered to vote.

    Make sure everyone you know gets to the polls on our before election day.

    Become a poll worker.

    We need to make sure we vote in numbers too big to steal. In 2000 the election was handed to Bush by the Supreme Court because of one state. Looking at the last term, the court would absolutely find a way to shift the election to the con in chief if it was just one swing state with irregularities.

    Talk to people about project 2025 and what it will mean. This is how the guardrails from 2017 are removed. This is how we start a Christian theocracy. If we vote blue all the way down, the Dems may be able to put stronger rails in place. If it’s not Project 2025 it will be Project 2029. These conservative think tanks have been doing this since Reagan, but this is by far the scariest.

    Talk to friends and family about the Biden administration wins. It’s not just Biden you’re voting for, it is a continuation of his administration.

    Bottom line, this is likely the most important election of many of our lives. All of us must participate.

  • Looking at recent decisions, it’s going to go badly for those of us who believe in the anti-establishment clause.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Congress shall make no law, this actually could be interpreted quite literally by the courts that it is perfectly acceptable for a state to not only establish a religion but to criminalize other beliefs.

    I think this would be a 5-4 decision with SCOTUS. I think Barrett would be against it, because she is Catholic and would see that her beliefs may not be the ones promoted. Kavanaugh and Roberts could be a toss up.