That website raped my eyes
That website raped my eyes
The algorithm force feeds you what you want to see… whether you know it or not
Handsome group
More veggies, less Smuckers
It’s a Trap!
Guess I should have used the /s for you
I see someone wearing that “Necromancer Trench Coat” (when it becomes available) and I’m going to assume they’re hiding a shotgun under it and are thinking of undertaking their own Columbine
Grooming from a young, impressionable age
Like on the right. Left side is wasteful and floppy
Hand-training baby Shai-Hulud to come when called
“What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”
Alcohol bottles (were full, now empty and in recycling, not trash)
Why hang around and be even more useless these extra 10+ days? You were/are an ineffective douchenozzle and a waste of everyone’s time. Go. Leave. Right. Now.
“…an inferior browsing experience” FTFY