Fuck you, Ben.
Fuck you, Ben.
That calzone looks amazing. Is that a spot in Concord? Although a few hints in the pic towards Europe.
Ah the famous boat police. Judge, jury, and executioners.
I agree with your point about OS X style menus, they’ve been steadily going downhill since “macOS” though. Granted, they’re still uphill of whatever the fuck Microsoft seems to think of.
Any love for the Hong Kong orchid?
This just kept getting sadder and sadder, RIP
It’s important to know the demographic of the poll sample in order to properly understand the poll data. For instance, 65 percent of the poll participants are currently on shift at Abu Ghraib.
I like where your heads at
I’ve seen truly a marvelous amount of human beings who would vote against A just because they were fortunate to buy their first house without assistance, “so why should anyone else get help?” It’s a chronic pain how often “fuck you, I got mine” is tossed around in so many flavours.
Ah, so it was worth it.
Does $42.000 even buy a Dodge Charger?
I would kill myself. Unfathomable.
Apple doesn’t fall far.
This is why I’m here.
Yeah it’s a vague question for a poll. One can interpret it in a few ways and I’d count myself part of the four as well. The US progresses as if it’s walking through quicksand, so it’s really unsurprising to me.
Ctrl to wake the screen, system set to never sleep. Stupid Plex running on Windows addiction.
Leave it to Maggie Shugerman to give you something sweet to read about in the news, what a badass.
A true believer in Cominghome’s Law.