• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I heavily disagree with this. Stepping back to “walls of text with hyperlinks” is a bad idea that’ll service no one and will never succeed in any reasonable capacity.

    Current web technology is not what caused bad web. The exception would be too powerful js where js should only provide interactivity and extra flavor to the page rather than run a full application which can fingerprint and punish user agents.

    Javascript, embeded images and audio are awesome things that can improve content readability a thousand fold. Just look at best docs on the web - all of them use these features to tend their users. Even wikipedia added js flavoring like hover pop ups. Because it works.

  • Yes of course it can help you. The lack of imagination in this thread is truly astounding.

    You have an assistant with you that can instantly answer your questions and help you develop your business:

    • “what’s the most efficient way to track appointments for me on Linux desktop program with minimal budget and I have 4-6 daily appointments. My key features are reminder 30min before appointment and ability to put notes for each appointment”
    • “help me optimize my meeting structure. I’m in X niche and currently I have 30minute daily meetings that don’t follow any structure, what are some de facto meeting structures and post meeting operations in this industry?”

    I’m not directing this at OP but to all of the naysayers in this thread - if you can’t find use for a tireless, 20$/mo assistant that will instantly answer your questions then you should not be owning any business or leading anything for that matter.

  • Journaling.
    It’s extremely powerful from mental health to actual planning tasks and keeping track of things but weirdly enough it can be difficult to get into.

    My best advice would be to make it as easy and as low stakes as possible at the beginning. Just open file/journal and write anything every day, even if it’s one word. Don’t worry about anything else. Then you can add and evolve this habbit to whatever feels useful to you.