What the hell are you whinging about?
What the hell are you whinging about?
So what are you doing with your life that allows you to judge others so easily?
If you believe this is caused by ‘climate change’ you’re just as deluded. This shit just happens.
It knows you better than your mother, and you deserve it.
If it’s Osama, yeah, absolutely.
Masturbation for melatonin. It’s got a certain ring to it.
Locking people up for their gender, sexuality or for listening to pop music is okay with you?
You fool.
Almost absolute certainty? So not?
Dumb question but would using nuclear energy make it more feasible?
If he shuts it down Brazil loses, X would barely notice.
First time I’ve seen somebody need to jack off a car.
No way, give teachers jacuzzis.
Ehhh it was a nice murder.
Sure let’s look at other places where the ‘meddling western powers’ have leftand peace broke out.
Oh hang on…
Are you calling me racist or sexist? Both would be so wrong for reasons you really should understand from my posts. And I’m Australian so I don’t have a dog in this fight but either candidate would be unacceptable here and shithouse for the world.
This is why your side will lose. Nothing I said there indicated that, I gave specific examples which go against what you have just insulted me with. You’re stuck in an echo chamber and anybody who isn’t drinking your koolaid gets labelled.
Well they’re not negotiating with people who aren’t terrorists…I don’t think you understand what negotiations are or why they’re necessary.
I’m not smart but I believe this human.