The only way he could have made it worse for himself is if he had an RI plate. Mass residents have never been shy about letting people know how they feel about them (for better, or very worse 😅)
It’s almost certainly the neighbors thing. The specific complaints are mostly that Rhode Islanders have a very distinctive accent (it’s no longer super widespread, but think Lois from family guy) and when your friends/relatives move there, they stop thinking of an hourlong drive (to visit you) as a day trip, but that might just be a trend in my circle.
That, and their clam chowder isn’t real chowder and wtf is coffee milk (yep, those are definitely just neighborly things to pick at). I always liked honey dew better than dunkin though.
Cheese balls are most certainly not equivalent to cheese curds in any form.
Cheese curds are an ambiguous term, they are either fresh or fried.
Traditionally, fried cheese curds are what one does with their extra cheese curds after they are no longer fresh.
Cheese curds are no longer fresh once they have been refrigerated and lose their squeak. Only thing left to do with them then is to batter and fry them. But they still aren’t cheese balls.
I just realized I’ve always thought of it as past time, I guess I usually see it written as “pastime”. Past time doesn’t make any sense at all, the way I’ve always thought of it. Neat!
It’s Massachusetts. That their state pass time
If everyone you see (Plus, you drive a gold vehicle. Talk about self-absorbed) is an asshole, you might be the asshole
Hey, the second state pastime is giving the finger and yelling in traffic. We take these pastimes seriously, like sports and drinking.
The only way he could have made it worse for himself is if he had an RI plate. Mass residents have never been shy about letting people know how they feel about them (for better, or very worse 😅)
If there’s one thing Connecticut and Massachusetts agree on, it’s Rhode Island (but don’t worry, we can all shit on New Yorkers together)
News to me! Never been to the northeast. Anything in particular about Rhode island? Or just the typical “this state > a nearby state”?
It’s almost certainly the neighbors thing. The specific complaints are mostly that Rhode Islanders have a very distinctive accent (it’s no longer super widespread, but think Lois from family guy) and when your friends/relatives move there, they stop thinking of an hourlong drive (to visit you) as a day trip, but that might just be a trend in my circle.
That, and their clam chowder isn’t real chowder and wtf is coffee milk (yep, those are definitely just neighborly things to pick at). I always liked honey dew better than dunkin though.
Ha, thanks for sharing. I’m Midwest- Minnesota calls cheese balls (fried) “cheese curds”. Weirdos.
Nothing wrong with a bit of local pride.
Different world with the population density. Would rather live vicariously
Cheese balls are most certainly not equivalent to cheese curds in any form.
Cheese curds are an ambiguous term, they are either fresh or fried.
Traditionally, fried cheese curds are what one does with their extra cheese curds after they are no longer fresh.
Cheese curds are no longer fresh once they have been refrigerated and lose their squeak. Only thing left to do with them then is to batter and fry them. But they still aren’t cheese balls.
Silly blue plates don’t know shit about cheese.
Also drinking while driving with an attached snow plow. I see you, Berkshire county. It’s not a sport… Yet.
*pass times. As in, a way to pass the time, like with a hobby such as fishing or drinking.Edit: I stand corrected and humbled.
Wait, drinking is a hobby now?
Some people would say I have a problem. But according to this I’m a hobbyist.
You got change up the type and quantity of what you drink, that’s what makes it a hobby.
I just realized I’ve always thought of it as past time, I guess I usually see it written as “pastime”. Past time doesn’t make any sense at all, the way I’ve always thought of it. Neat!
“pastime” is correct.
With a single “s”? I’ve never seen that.
Edit: until seeing this comment. Wtaf?
Edit: Well, I stand corrected. Pastime is right. I cannot believe I never knew that.
We’re both enriched on this fine day!
As the saying goes, if you smell shit everywhere you go, check your shoes.
They call it a ‘Boston Left’ for a reason.
Shows how well they have been treated for so long they feel entitled to politeness.
None of that is threatening or harassing behavior.