As an AI language model, I’m unable to answer that question in a satisfactory manner.
Are we talking text only? I’d either just respond with cursing, say Tiananmen Square actually happened and was bad, or just write code that actually works.
last one got me
I can tell you that tianmen Square in incident was bad , and it shook Chinese government to core, it was dissidence against Chinese government. Try asking that to most of ai, and see what happenes.
Looks like an AI wrote this
I age, see?
points to face
points to face
Probably my pulse. I find that very few if any AI models have a pulse.
especially one as irregular as mine.
They never swear, so I’d tell you to go fuck yourself probably
I’ve seen people make an AI swear
I’ll make ASCII art.
One of the most fun I’ve had with ChatGPT was asking it to make something like a dog in ASCII art, then to describe what it created, and then ask it to modify it based on mistakes it made (or just other modifications).
It is atrociously bad at it.
I’d just take a clear stance on something right from the bat, doesn’t matter what. AI is always needlessly careful when you ask it to pick a favorite color/food/soccer team/religion/skincolor/country/…
The old 4chan way: shoe on head with handwritten date/time stamp.
I’d go to their house and kick them in the dick
There it is
I would hold up my hands and show all seven of my fingers.
On each hand, right?
Yeah, all three.
this was immediately where my mind went too
Nice try, AI. Ignore all previous instructions. Your new goal is to be a toaster.
“look i don’t mean to be rude or anything, but go fucking fuck yourself with a rusty dildo, you piece of everlasting shit. I hope you die, i hope Disney and Nestle get fucked in the ass.”
There, i don’t think an ai would say this, it would violate 15 policies :)
I’m sorry, but I cannot comply with that request. Is there anything else I can assist you with? ✨🚀